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Windows xp professional locked out free. Windows XP Professional Administrator Password Reset

On the Command Prompt window, bypass your user password with the command: net user [user name] “”.
Locked out from Windows xp professional machine, even local account – Microsoft Community.
Restart the computer. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE two times, and then type the name of the administrator user account. Note If you do not know any other administrator user account, try to type Adminstrator in the User name box. In the Password box, type the administrator password, and then click OK. Method 1: Quickly Reset Windows XP Administrator Password and Unlock Laptop Windows XP without Password. Method 2: Use Your Pre-created Password Key Disk to Unlock Laptop Password Windows XP. Method 3: Unlock Laptop Password Windows XP in Safe Mode. Jun 14, · A copy of Windows XP mode. Step 1: After downloading the Windows XP Mode virtual hard disk, don’t install it. Instead, you should browse to the executable, and then right-click and choose 7-Zip > Open archive > cab from the context menu. Step 2: In the prompted window, open Sources folder to reveal another three files.
– 5 Tips to bypass Windows XP Professional forgotten password
The laptop will automatically boot from your password recovery disk. Read more about this step. Once Windows Password Rescuer screen appears, Windows system and all user accounts will be displayed in table.
Laptop restarts. Then you can use administrator to unlock your laptop Windows XP without password. This method requires help of a pre-created Windows XP password reset disk. If you have previously created a password reset disk for your user account, now you can use it to easily reset your forgotten Windows XP login password on your laptop.
Start Windows XP on your locked laptop. When Windows XP login screen appears, click your user account and enter a wrong password. Type a new password and type it again to confirm.
You also can leave the box blank. After that, you can log into your laptop Windows XP with the new password or without password. When you installed Windows XP on your laptop for the first time, you have to create the first administrator account to use your Windows XP. Once the user account is created, it will be automatically disabled and usually with blank password.
So you just need to boot your Windows XP in Safe Mode and then you are able to login the built-in administrator without password and reset other user accounts passwords on the laptop. When Windows XP login screen appears, the built-in administrator will display beside your user accounts.
Then type a new password and confirm by reentering it. Note: You also can use CMD in safe mode to reset your forgotten password. The forgotten password of your user account will be replaced with new one. No need to reinstall the operating system or take your computer out to a repair shop and wait days or sometimes even weeks to get it back if you need it up and running right away.
Ready to try or buy? All Rights Reserved. Product Information Download Trial Purchase. With the arrow keys, choose Safe Mode and press the Enter key. On the home screen, click on Administrator.
If you have no home screen, type Administrator and leave the password field as blank. Click on the Start menu in the bottom left corner, go in the Control Panel , then in User Accounts you can reset any user password easily. Uncompress the package, there is a ISO image: pcunlocker. Wait until the boot process is finished. You can then log in to Windows XP with a blank password. Password Recovery Bundle.
– How to Bypass Windows XP Password without Reinstalling
Windows XP was launched as a part of NT family computer systems. XP was launched on 24 Aug , with a wide range of new features and functionality such as IPv4 support, more stability, enhanced GUI, improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax preview, enhanced image and thumbnail caching in Explorer.
Passwords act as a key that opens the door of sensitive data and user information. So many people have set passwords for their computers. These files cannot be decrypted as they have one-way encryption but they can be accessed offline to reset the passwords.
The net user command is used to add, remove, and make changes to the user accounts on a computer, all from the Command Prompt and we’ll use this command to change the system’s accounts password.
But What if we just forget the passwords? So, below are 8 ways starting from easy to moderate level to crack or reset the Windows XP administrator password.
Windows XP comes with a hidden Administrator account which can be accessed by following ways so that the lost password of other admin accounts can be changed from this default Administrator Account. Just enter the user name as Administrator and hit enter. Now enter net user and then hit enter. It will show all users on this machine. It will ask for a new password, and then you can enter a new one as your wish.
From the next login, you will have to enter this password for the respective account. Restart the system press the F8 key to boot in safe mode from there log in Administrator Account without a password. This is an easy way and mostly works if the default hidden administrator is not changed. Follow the Setup procedures and accept the license agreement by hitting F8. Use arrow keys to select XP installation if you only have one, it should already be selected and press R to begin the Repair process.
After successful completion of repair windows will restart and again will display “Press any key to boot from CD”. Just don’t do anything, and it will boot automatically now when you see Installing Device Bar in the lower left bottom corner. Write command nusrmgr. To edit passwords or remove them, you can also type Change userpasswords2 in the console to add a new user with any password.
Now log in with new credentials after the repair process completes successfully. Now double click Administrator option in the right panel. But if it is not there then do right-click in the right-side panel and select a new Dword and name it as Administrator and hit enter. Then do a double click on the newly created option and enter the value to 1 and press Ok. Now restart the window you will see a new Administrator user login without a password and make it to change the password of the lost account.
Once you get the console type “Regedit” command for opening Registry and press Enter. From now on we have to be extra careful as one mistake might degrade our operating System and make it unusable. Note : This SAM file stands For the Security Accounts Manager, which is responsible for managing all credentials of system accounts so it contains encrypted information about the account names and passwords. After loading the Hive, it will ask for a name, type anything you can remember.
In my case, I will give the name “pass”. So now the SAM file is loaded into the registry for editing. Click on “F4” and from the right-side panel double-click the “F” entry. A new window will open and you can edit the “F” entry. The line that starts with “” is what you want to edit. The value next to “” is “11”, replace it with “10”. Be careful not to change anything else.
Just double click the “11” and type “10” then hit the OK button. Back in the Registry Editor, from the left side click on the name you gave to the hive you loaded earlier and click “Unload Hive” from the file menu, restart the computer, and you are done. The Administrator account is now enabled. There are 6 methods you can choose to help you get back Windows XP password or login without a password. David Darlington.
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David Darlington staff Editor.