ICT Services

ICT Services

Harnessing Information, Communication Technologies (ICTs) for business productivity is the way to go for all 21st Century organizations.  Utile Solutions supports organizational attempts to harness ICT to improve their business productivity through the following:

Online Recruitment:  We recruit and test prospective employees online. Organizations can acquire full access to our online database of potential applicants to job positions.  We advertise job positions for organizations and mail them directly to prospective employees. Prospective employees are given free accounts to register, upload their CVs and be eligible for e-mail alerts .

Internship/volunteer recruitment and management:  We also provide internship recruitment and internship management services for organizations. You can contact us for further support or go to our links page and go to the online recruitment site.

ICT for Development:  We develop and implement projects on ICT for Development, working with communities and organizations to enable them have their voice heard, access and share information and promoting their rights to access to and use of information for developmental purposes.

Mobile Content and Value Added Services: Utile Solutions Ltd, partners with one of the leading ICT and Mobile content/ VAS company – Jezitech Solutions Ltd (www.jezitech.com) to deliver relevant and affordable ICT business and Mobile Solutions to your organization to facilitate improved and increasing efficiency.