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Time is precious and the programmers of Logic Pro know that, so virtually all aspects of the software can be controlled by your keyboard; it can virtually become a control monitor. Used in combination with the letter keys they make up the majority of key commands but I know you know that already. This is pain because you either have to scroll endlessly to find the position you were looking for in the first place or zoom out and start again.

When zooming on a selected region the top left of that region always remains visable even if your zooming vertically, horizontally or both. If the playhead is not visable Logic will zoom in retaining the center window position. This is useful to know so as not to end up with the same issues I used to have, zooming in on the wrong place! If you have a trackpad either on a laptop or stand alone trackpad you can use two fingers by pinching outwards to zoom in and inwards to zoom out.

Got that? If you have a region selected when using horizontal zoom the window will zoom in on that region. This is useful if you want to zoom on a region to edit or on the play head set at a location you want to work in.

Another way of zooming vertically and horizontally is to use the Apple key along with the arrows keys. Apply Plus up and down zooms vertically. If you want to zoom in on a region to edit use the key. Select the region and it allows you to instantly zoom in. By hitting the key for a second time the project will zoom back out again. You can highlight a number of regions hit Z and the project will zoom in on the highlighted areas.

Hit Z again and it will reset back to where you previously were. You will need to backtrack multiple times to get back to your original position. Another really useful Zoom feature that is often overlooked but one that I personally find useful is zooming with the playhead. To do this simply click on the lower section of the ruler but I find it easier and more consistent to click and hold the very top of the playhead where the triangular head is, then hold option and drag the pointer down to zoom in and drag the pointer up to zoom out.

This is perfect if you need to quickly zoom in and out around the playhead. Zoom in, edit and zoom out to continue on the project! Moving along and scrolling around the project is another useful way of getting from A to B I use Shift in combination with the Scroll Wheel so that I can scroll along to wherever I need to be. Personally I find this a really useful way of getting around.

A great way to move quickly from one part of a project to another is using Go To Position. In this case bar 4, next hit ok and the playhead will jump to bar 4. A quick and easy way to effortlessly make big leaps around a project. If you want to quickly move a region to where the playhead is simply hit ; key. Titting ; moves a region to where ever the playhead is. One of my biggest frustrations was setting up a Cycle Region and then wanting to listen to a part of the session that was outside of the cycle area.

You can double click along the ruler area to play from wherever you want to, which can be useful. All you do is select the region or regions you want to play from and whilst holding shift hit the spacebar and Logic will start to play from that region!

You can sign up for free guides right now that will help to improve and enhance your Logic mastering skills. So there you have it! The difficult part is remembering them but you could always right them down and refer back to them or pop back and visit Mastering In Logic again soon to remind yourself of these great timesaving shortcuts. If you liked this article and want to learn more about Logic X sign up to Mastering In Logic and receive more great tutorials to help you on your way to creating the perfect Logic Pro X productions.

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