Microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free. Tutorial Ms Project 2010
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AProcessGroupisaseriesofstepsto completeinordermoveontothenextphase ofaproject. TheGanttChartprovidesagraphical visualizationoftheproject. TheNetworkDiagramsprimarypurposeisto showthecriticalpathoftheproject. Thecriticalpathistheseriesoftasksthatdictates theearliestcalculatedprojectfinishdate.
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Microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free. Microsoft Project 2010 Advanced
It provides microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free flexibility to help manage больше информации project, provides assistance in every phase of the project, calculates schedules and other project information.
It helps to build the project plan and also helps in tracking it to its completion. It does not produce or print a delineated work breakdown structure, although it does generate work breakdown structure numbers. Its primary advantage is its widespread use and the availability of hundreds of add-ins.
When installed, it usually positions itself in the MS office folder. To open a new project file, click on adobe acrobat x pro chrome plugin free download new button on the tool bar.
The project information dialog box opens, as exhibited below:. In the project information window, enter the project start date; other wise, by default today s date is taken. You will notice that in the third text box, you can specify whether you want the project scheduled from the start date or from the completion date. In the former case, tasks begin as soon as possible. In the latter case tasks begin as late as possible. Click on the drop-down arrow associated with the third text box and select the second of the two alternatives and then select the first again.
Note how the comment underneath changes. Now, click OK. You are placed in the Gantt view of the project. This is really microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free combination of two views in one. On the left, you have a table that you can change. On the right you have the typical Gantt chart.
You can move the partition between two simply by attaching the cursor to the partition edge and dragging it to the left or to the right. Dragging it to the right reveals more of the table, but lessons the amount of the Gantt chart that is in view. Dragging it to the left does just the opposite. Click View on the menu bar at the top of the display. With the View menu pulled down, продолжение здесь Gantt Chart. In most cases this was the view you were placed in to begin with so nothing changes.
In the Task name field, type in several task names, one to a line. Use the down arrow to move to the line below after typing a task name. In order to insert a task, between two tasks, position the cursor on the task above the point in which the insertion is to be made. Click on insert microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free the menu bar and then enter the task name.
Once you’ve entered a task name, simply hit the down arrow, to enter the next name on the line below. /15259.txt you should skip a task, its easy to go back and insert microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free task in the list. Position the cursor on the cell of the task that is to have a task inserted before it.
Click on Insert on the menu bar and then Insert Task. This is basically a grouping tasks into phases, which makes it easier to track a project and also makes it easier to read the task list.
Grouping is done by indenting tasks. A task can also be removed from a group and that is called out-denting. Tasks that are subordinate to a higher level task on the work break down structure are so indicated by subordination. In the Task name field, select the task you want to indent or out-dent by boxing it as you would in any spreadsheet. Boxing is done by simply clicking on the cell in which the task resides.
Click on the indent button to indent the task or out-dent button to outdent the task. These buttons are found on the second row of tools below the menu bar in the upper-left-hand corner. You can also highlight a number of tasks and then click on the indent button to indent microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free entire collection of tasks at once.
These are called outline numbers. If we indent 3 tasks under a particular task say task no. To display the outline no. From the drop-down menu, click options and then click the view tab. To show outline no. You will obviously have to change many hp laserjet m1132 mfp driver free download for windows 10 these.
Doing so requires the following. In the Duration field enter the duration. Note : A milestone is a task whose duration is zero days. Any task can be changed to a milestone by changing duration to zero. You will not need to enter the durations of tasks which have subtasks subordinated below them.
These tasks have their durations calculated as the sum of all the demoted task durations. Consider the following list of tasks: NO. It is not possible for the user to change this. Здесь same can be said for subtasks when they have sub-subtasks.
MS Project accepts durations in minutes, hours, days or weeks. When entering data into the duration filed, use the following designations for minutes mhours hdays dor weeks w.
The default is days d and therefore, the “d” is optional and need not be entered when the intent is to enter durations in нажмите сюда. MS Project has its own built-in understanding of time and it is making a lot of assumptions about the way in which you work.
For example, it is assuming 8-hour work days, five-day work weeks and that you do not work on Sat. To see this, view the.
You can change these, but you cannot assign a task ID number that has already microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free assigned. For example, it is assuming 8-hour work-days, five-day work weeks and that you do download windows 10 card games free download work on Sat.
To see this view the project in the Calendar view; notice the duration of the tasks and how they fall across weekends as necessary to fill up the required number of weekdays. Inserting Columns You can insert columns within any table in the Gantt view. Make certain that your first task is a summary task under which all other tasks 10 blue screen youtube free download subordinated.
Include a cost column in the entry table next to the duration column. You can also include major function, output, and input columns within the entry table simply by clicking on Insert and then Column and typing in the name of the column, followed by clicking on Microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free.
To show that a particular task can begin only when the predecessor task has completed, the two tasks must be linked. After you decide the task sequence, you can link the tasks, as follows. In the task name field, select two or more tasks that you want to link.
To avoid confusion, it is best to select only a pair of tasks at a time. The first task you click on will be assumed to be the precedent task and the second task that you click on will be assumed to be the subsequent task. Click the Link task button on the tool bar. It is the button with the solid chain link icon. MS Project generally links tasks as Finish-to-Start tasks, i.
Several precedent tasks can be linked into a single subsequent task, but this has to be done in pairs in which each precedent task is clicked on first, followed by a click on the subsequent task.
In the task name field, double click the task you want to link. The task information dialog box appears. Click the predecessor tab. In the ID field, type the ID number of the predecessor task this is the number in the column to the left of task name field.
Click in the Type box and then click the drop down arrow to see the four types of dependency relationships that can be established. You can also select link under the Edit menu item on the menu bar after selecting the pair of tasks to be linked. In these latter cases, перейти на страницу analyst wants tasks to start together or finish together.
To change the link type, identify the starting task by clicking on it. Select the predecessors tab and click on the link type field. To do so, begin in the Gantt View with the Entry table visible. Slide the partition to the right to expose as much of the entry table as possible. You should see two side-by-side читать microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free start microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free and the finish column.
By changing any of the dates in these columns, you are setting a hard date constraint. If you do so, a flag will appear in the very first column of the entry table, the column labeled I for information. If you rest the cursor on that flag, /1330.txt message appears that informs you of the hard date constraint that has been applied to the task. Only one hard date constraint can be set per task at the start date or at the stop date, but not both.
Resources can be places, departments, businesses, people, equipment–anything required to complete an activity. When you create an assignment, you assign a resource to a microsoft project management 2010 tutorial pdf free. The resource issue makes the project. You can assign: Individual resources Assign resources part time Several resources Remove resources жмите a task Replace one resource with another.
In the Task name field, select the task to which you have to assign a resource.