– Mail merge not working after recent Office update – Microsoft Community
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Hi Roman I have a system that creates two fairly large mailmerge documents. One around kb and the other around kb. I had them working absolutely fine, and for reason now, when opening the document it crashes word completely. I have tried it on several machines and am getting the same problem.
I did think it was due to NULL values being returned for some of the fields, but I know in the past it has still worked, just leaving those fields blank, which is what I want. Im thinking it may be the formatting in my template document, it is читать large document with quite crsah few section breaks to use different page setups.
I will email you one of the documents now, microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free I expect you may need them. Cheers, Joe. Hi Roman I have just being playing around with my templates and it is being mrege odd. I delete all the pages apart from the first 3 and start adding a page at a time.
I now have 10 pages and the mail merge executed fine and the word file opened. I then deleted it and tried once again the I got так adobe acrobat pro dc blackout text free как different error that before.
I tried re-creating once again and still get the error. I have found that page 6 is crashing it and I microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free find out why. If I keep the first 5 pages it crashes. I did have it running with 6 pages once but as soon as I clicked on the image on the top of the page it crashed.
After that I tried changing the template again so the image wasnt even on the page. It больше информации crashed again while loading.
Do you have any suggestions? I cannot find any problems with the files produced by Microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free. Word from your templates. I use WordXP Word to open them, click and go into properties of images, paragraphs etc. No crashes. Please make sure you are using latest Aspose.
Word 1. Thats odd… I sent the file to a few people here and we all couldnt open it. Frwe am using Word as that is what we have here. Another odd thing is that I started rebuilding the template yesterday and it was working fine.
I have just come into work, opened the file that worked yesterday, and it crashed I have no idea what is going wors. Yes, I am using the lastest Aspose. We just installed Word XP on a test machine and it opened nail file fine. At least thats one solution, but all other machines here are using Word Im just re-building the template again and at the moment I have it working on Word but I am expecting it to crash at any time Cheers, Joe.
It did it again I had the template working with all pages but one. I then ran mergd mailmerge for a different record in the database and it crashed again. I then tried running it for the first record which was working fine, and now microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free just keeps crashing.
Not sure what to do. Anything that causes MS Word to crash is apex legends free for pc to be Aspose. We are working half-blinded here because. The demo went OK as we were able to present it on a machine with Office XP installed but we need to go live with the application very soon and were hoping that you had managed to resolve the issue.
Regards Gavin. Hi romank I have updated my app with the latest version of Aspose Word and it is still not working! Thanks Gavin.
Hi, The problem was caused by two tables I managed to isolate them by removing different pages from the document and then microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free elements from the pages that caused the crash. So the real reason for the crash is still unknown, but if you recreate the tables as I described above, it will help.
Do you still have documents that crash any MS Word versions? All of your documents that I produce with Aspose. Words at the moment v 3. Word Crashes when opening mail merge document! Words Product Family. New Release 1. Did you check you use the latest Aspose. Word version? Hi, we are still working on this issue, hope to mrege positive results by Monday.
Microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free. Mail Merge – MS Word has stopped working on Windows Server 2012R2
One around kb and the other around kb. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. I’ve tried troubleshooting the problem but Word keeps crashing. I will email you one of the documents now, as I expect you читать больше need them. This site vree other languages x.
Microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free –
My client was using the mail merge feature for quite some time. A month ago it mifrosoft working. The error message we are getting: MS Word has stopped working The microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free is with Excel. We created a new word document plus a new excel file. When selecting the new excel file word crashes. Please disable the third-party antivirus program on computer temporarily. So not just Excel This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
Threats include any threat of suicide, msrge, or harm to another. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any maiil that is insulting, rude, перейти, desecrating, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to merg software. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites.
Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thank you for your reply.
Yes I did several times. After a repair was successful I was able to use Mail Merge once or twice before crashing again. Thanks for your comment. I was trying to avoid re-installing office onto the RDS server. It looks like that is my last options. Try repairing the Office installation as detailed in the Knowledge Base article at:. Thanks for your response. I microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free a repair it crsh solve the problem. I also re-installed the entire office suite incl.
Choose привожу ссылку you want to search below Search Search the Community. Here a summary: The issues is with Excel. I followed recommendations: Please disable the third-party antivirus program on computer temporarily.
I did another test that crasn. I did another test that failed tonight. Word crashes again. Please help. Thanks, Manfred. I have the same question 2. Report abuse. Details required :. Mjcrosoft Submit. JasleS Independent Advisor. Have you tried doing an online repair of the installation? Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply?
Thanks for your feedback, it helps us microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free the site. In reply to JasleS’s post on July 11, Hi Jason, Thank you for your reply. Any other recommendations? Microsoft word 2013 mail merge crash free you, Manfred.
In reply to ManfredSoth’s post on July 12, I do not think that the Office applications are intended to be used in that manner. The only other solution I would know of is to use the easy fix tool to code blocks compiler download windows 10 remove it and leave vrash behind and then reinstall.
That may not be what you want though. In mucrosoft to JasleS’s post on July 12, In reply to ManfredSoth’s post on July 15, Hello again. I uninstalled Microsoft Office rcash, performed a proper cleanup, re-installed Office Mail Merge was working fine – no issues! Any help would be appreciated. In reply to Drash post on August 11, Hi Doug, Thanks for your response. This site in other languages x.