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Logic Pro X Control Surfaces Support. For OS X – PDF Free Download.

However, today most of the digital mixers can be used as control surfaces too. But digital mixers are very costly and generally out of pocket for home recordists. The best option for home recordists is, using dedicated DAW control surfaces. These are cheap and when it comes to controlling the DAW they have more functions than any digital mixer. From just 1 fader to several faders and limited control to extended control, there are several types of control surfaces available in the market.
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we recommended. Read more about Affiliate disclosure here. There are many reasons behind using control surfaces for home studios. Control surfaces make our workflow faster than operating with a keyboard and mouse.
They are designed with dedicated controls for separate operations like the transport bar, faders, and assignable buttons. These things make our workflow faster than the keyboard and mouse where we have to struggle with keyboard buttons to remember and slipping on the faders with the mouse. With controlled surfaces, you can extend the scope of your eyes.
Yes, you can tune out your eyes from the computer screen and make some fun with analog-style controls. Actually, an analog environment is a basic need of any studio. No matter how much this digital world captures the audio recording, the feel of the classic analog environment will always be in demand. And a control surface can fulfill this demand in a better way. Control surfaces are a good example of a classic analog-style user interface with a powerful digital environment working behind it.
Faders are used to control the gain of tracks in mixer and DAWs. The gain is measured in dB. When we increase the volume by 1dB the amplitude of the wave doubles.
This doubling nature of dB makes the faders more complicated in balancing low-volume instruments. And with a computer screen and mouse, you have to struggle hard to achieve your balance.
Here control surfaces help us, where you can play with subtle changes in faders and get a better mixing than computer mouse and keyboard. Obviously, a control surface can change the look of your studio. If you managed to get a big control surface you can be able to change the whole look of your studio.
If you are going to automate your songs then a control surface is a must for you. With control surfaces, you can easily achieve the best automation in no time. As compared to digital mixers with the same number of faders and controls, control surfaces are far cheaper. You can get control surfaces with a fraction of the cost of digital mixers. I know, you are wondering which is the best DAW controller for logic pro x?
There are many control surfaces are available in the market that supports Logic Pro X. They are under your pocket length, full of features, and also have a great-looking user interface. This tiny powerhouse will surprise you in every stage of your recording and mixing session. Presonus Fader Port is a perfect combination of low budget and powerful control surface.
You can get it with just a fraction of money than other standard control surfaces. This 5. If you are searching for the best control surface for logic pro x then this will be my 1st recommendation. Presonus Fader Port has dedicated transport control. However, many control surfaces have dedicated transport controls but imagine a control surface you can hold on your hands when operating.
This is an added advantage of Presonus Fader Port and makes you more comfortable in a long recording session. Due to the doubling nature of dB , in the low ends, you struggle in balancing your faders on the computer screen.
In the low ends like below dB, a very small movement of fader can change the sound dramatically. Here a full-length mm physical fader helps you to optimize your mixing. With hardware faders, you can play with those small volume changes without struggling with your computer mouse.
Presonus Fader Port has not only mm standard fader but the faders are motorized too. The motorized fader helps you to create some awesome automation in your tracks. Along with transport control at the bottom, Presounus Fader Port has a full range of dedicated transport and edit buttons.
Presonus Fader Port has 24 buttons covering 40 different functions, and all these features you get in a compact 5. This feature is useful for musicians who record individually.
However, you have to spend a good amount of money, if you are going to own this amazing gear. Although, this is a high-priced gear even it is far less than a good digital mixer.
There are digital mixers available in the market at a low price but they have some major limitations like non-motorized faders and lack of display panel etc. If you go for one with the above features, you have to invest at least the double amount of money from Mackie MCU Pro. This control can help you in all the major operations in Your DAW. You can add effects on your DAWs tracks. Mackie MCU Pro comes with an inclined display panel for the monitoring of your recording process.
This display panel in this MIDI mixer controller is very useful for the visual monitoring of tracks. In Presonus Faderport you just get one motorized fader, but with Mackie MCU Pro you get 8 full-length motorized faders as well as a master fader for controlling the master volume. With these full-length motorized faders, you can seamlessly and accurately mix your projects as well as do some amazing automation. Panpots and track buttons Solo, Mute, select, record : Mackie MCU Pro has 8 dedicated panpots above the faders as well as track buttons for each track.
VPot Assign and fader banks : This area is just above the master fader. VPot assign is used for adding plugin effects on a selected track, assigning send, Equalizing a track, etc. The fader bank panel is used to switch the track banks, and channels. As you know Mackie is known as one of the best manufacturers of audio mixers, obviously the look of Mackie MCU Pro will tell you about their rich history of manufacturing mixers.
A vintage-style finish makes it a beautiful gear for your studio. These 2 expansions will not only increase the beauty of your studio but also are very useful gears. And if you want to add some other functions like controlling sequencers or plugins of your digital audio interface then you can use Mackie C4. Many Hollywood studios use Pro Tools for the best workflow and quality. I personally love Pro Tools as it is one of the fastest DAW and accelerates your workflow dramatically.
But Avid is not limited to Pro tools or its award-winning Video Editing software. There are many more gears and software Avid has. And one of them is Avid Artist Mix. Avid Artist Mix is a versatile control surface and can increase your workflow dramatically. If you get this control surface in your studio, it will not only increase the workflow but also give a charm to your studio. It comes with 8 full lengths ie; mm motorized faders and the same number of panpots as well as other track buttons like solo, record enable mute, etc.
The one feature I really miss in this control surface is the master fader. Avid Artist Mix has a long display where all the operations can be monitored. You can monitor each track individually in the display panel. The second thing we miss in Avid Artist Mix is a dedicated transport panel.
However, Avid cleared that it is a control surface for mixing and not for recording controls. Even, it should have a transport control. If you are finding a control surface that you could use in your home studio as well as outside recording then Novation Launchpad is for you.
For budget home studios it would be a perfect fit. Let have a detailed look at the Novation launch control. If you are a music producer then you can now focus on your music production without worrying about the DAW handling by traditional keyboard and mixer. Novation launchpad has eight 60mm non-motorized faders. These faders are good for mixing but the lack of motors in faders makes them useless in automation.
If you want to add some automation to your tracks then you have to rely on your mouse and keyboard. However, for volume balancing, 60mm faders work well. Novation Launch control can be used with Novation Launchpad. By owning both of them you get full control over your DAW. Launchpad has assignable buttons that can be used as transport and edit controls. In fact, if you want a full-featured control surface, you need both of them.
With bus-powered features and lightweight, it is perfect for outside recordings like concerts programs. Just plug it in with your laptop and make the magic happen. Imagine under 70 bucks you get 8 faders and also a transport control which you missed out on costly Logic Pro X control surfaces. This tiny control surface has eight faders, eight knobs dedicated solo, mute, and record arming buttons as well as dedicated transport controls.
It has 8 non-motorized small faders and 8 dedicated knobs. These faders are not full length but can be used precisely in mixing if your hands are set up on the faders.
Logic pro x control surfaces free
Dec 09, · Go to Logic Pro X > Control Surfaces > Setup. There should be no more nanoKONTROL icon and the device should no longer be in the list of available devices. Look at the Controller Assignments, they should be empty. If you see an orphan entry of a nanoKONTROL in the first column, delete it. Mar 16, · Mackie MCU Pro 8-channel Control Surface with USB. Korg nanoKONTROL2 Slim-Line USB MIDI. PreSonus Faderport V2 USB Production Controller with Studio One Recording Software. Behringer X-Touch Mini Ultra-Compact Universal USB Controller. Novation Launch Control XL MkII. Feb 25, · Hello everyone, Are there any control surfaces like Avid C24 for Logic Pro X? Also, has anyone tired the C24 with the new M1 chip? P.s. I have never worked on the C24 but I have been watching videos on it and it seems like the absolute most complete contr.