– Henders en hazel 3 zits free
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– Henders en hazel 3 zits free

Roland Mackay, of Sheldon Springs, Vt.
Henders en hazel 3 zits free
Miss Ina Cobleigh, of Sherbrooke, is visiting Mr. Hollis Coats for a few days. Miss Irma Miller, of Cookshire, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr.
Anson Miller. Ayton Hodge left this morning to visit his sister. Leon Huntingdon at Uticia. He was accompanied to Sherbrooke by his mother, Mrs. Smith is ill a: her home. Charles McGilton and Mrs. Work was continued on the quilt and a: the tea hour refreshments were Mrs. Oliver and daughter.
Nurse Cliver, are moving into the village occupying Riverside Cottage. A family from Thetford Mines have moved into Mr. Lyster, of St Bil’. Johnsbury, Vt. Banfill ing tte Easter holidays with of Richmond, also was here to at-frhmds here. On Tuesday afternoon. April Miss Burton attended the lunch-the Ladies’ Aid will meet with Mrs. Waldron A good attendance of members and visitors is hoped for. Kenneth Mish, of Lennoxville.
Harry Emo, of Way’s Mills, was a visitor at the same home or. Mcrae, Mr. Wesley Damon, were visitors at the homo of Mr. V al-dron on Easter Monday. Walter Bowen and children, of Melbourne, were the week-end guests of Mrs.
Miss Ruth Bowen returned with them for a short stay. Miss Eldridgs Robert spent the holiday with her parents, returning to Compton or. Walter Snow, of Waterville, was at Mr. Samuel Pocock’s on Monday. Tuesday by the Alumnae o. Bishop’s College. McCurdy, of Coaticook, was called to attend Mrs. Lennon, who was quite seriously hurt in ar. The Easter morning service in St. Barnabas Church was especially well attended. Legge preached a most inspiring sermon.
Miss M. Y’oung, of Compton, was a guest of Miss F. Yates for Easter. Machell wrent to St. Jobns-bury, Vt. Bolton Centre, Que. Atkinson, of Three Rivers, :s the guest of Mr. Herbert Perkins. James Hastings, of Melbourne, has been the guest of and Mrs. Robert Skilling. There was a large attendance at the early service. John May and Mr. Parker, of Coaticook, were in town Monday on business. Harold Baldwin and children motored to Coaticook on Saturday.
April 16th. Clarence Keeler, of Stanhope, were guests of Mr. Lyons, Sunday. Markwell, Mr. Carmer Drew in Stan-j stead. George St. George A. Farnham, Que. The Mission Band held their regular meeting in St. A number of tie for a few days. Maclver, who has re-‘leader, Mrs.
MaoLean, also cently returned from Springfield, having a message for the little ones. The president, -pent the past winter with her Mr. Peter Buchanan, presided, laughter in Montreal, is visiting This was one of the largest attend-friends here. James Matheson is reported, est being shown by the; members, lo be improving and expects to be.
One of the items of business before home in a short time. Payson A. Ross, of Sherbrooke, ments for the erecting of a new are visiting their son, Mr. Ross, grand stand, which is an urgent ne-Master Harold Southwood, of cessity. The dates were changed.
Among the was in town on Tuesday. Peter Buchanan. Clarke and II. South- Ham Duffy, A. MaeAulay, K. Clayton Sherman, of f anter-Easter holidays in Richmond witn bury. McGovern, of Lincoln, spentevening worship at 7 o cLcok. Vonderfui relief. I now weigh one hundred and thirty-Jire pounds where, before, I never went ever ninety. Miibum Co. The number of communi car. There was, a very good attendance at the evening service.
Great credit is due to the choir for the splendid way in which the;,’ rendered the special music at both services. The altar was profusely decorated with Easter lilies, tulips, daffodils, sweet peas ar. Hawley, Mrs. Hall and Pie. Lloyd Tarrant given by Mr. Shaw and Mrs. James Tarrant. The sanctuary and chancel were decorated with potted piar. Appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. White, who owes his very life to the remarkable properties of Nerviline. Travelling in this colony and in South America, I found it an invaluable aid.
No matter how strong and rosy your child may be he requires a laxative sometimes so that the stomach may be kept sweet and the system clean. Not only as a laxative but in many other ways these Tablets are in ideal remedy for little ones.
They quickly reduce feverishness, relieve indigestion, colic and vomiting, prevent constipation, check diarrhoea, allay teething pains and promote healthful, natural sleep. There was a good attendance at the nine o’clock service in St. Templeton», Toronto. Dresser and Miss A.
Dresser of Richmond, were calling on Mrs. Harris on April 15th. They were accompanied home by Master Robt. Quite a number from Asbestos attended the Easter ball in Danville. All report a good time. The hall was very prettily decorated for the occasion. Tea was served at seven tables and was very well patronized.
The table of fancy work was very pretty and all was sold. Morrill was in Montreal on Tuesday, April Reakes in May. The Easter service held at the United Church last Sunday was a very impressive one greatly enjoyed by all. The choir rendered iwo beautiful anthems and Mr. The Sunday school children did exceptionally well with their part of the programme, whicn consisted of Easter songs, recitations and solos.
Mary Sherry and Merle Galle sang solos which were good. The floral decorations were potted plants, Easter lilies and cut flowers. Much credit is due to the ladies who trained the children so well.
Clarke was in Sherbrooke April 19th. Hamilton was in Montreal and Sherbrooke recently. An experiment was tried out by Mr. Morrill, local farmer,when he sowed an acre of grain on April 19th. It is exceptionally early foi seeding. Recently the fire department was called out to a chimney fire in Mr.
Mois on and Mr. The fire was soon under control without very much damage reported. Martineau will preach in the United Church Sunday. April 24th, at 7 p. Sunday School tnd Bible Class at It a.
Buy your railroad tickets at M. Ledge’s Store. Going over any line. Frank MacLeod is home from Sherbrooke, where she was helping to care for her mother, Mrs. Gillander who passed away recently. Miss Gladys Duffy went on to Elmira, N. MacDonald, at Red Mountain. Morrison and son, Roscoe, spent Easter at Red Mountain.
Angus Maclver, George MacKay and j. Cowan gave a sugaring-off party on Friday, April 15th, at Mr. Cowan’s sugar camp. A large crowd of friends and neighbors were present, also the teachers and pupils of Gould Model School.
The day was ideal and all enjoyed a good time. The weather was all that could be desired and a large number gathered to enjoy the treat. Miss Rita Butler, B. Miss H. Griffith, B. Buchanan was home a few daj’S recently. Murdo MadLeod, of Megantic, were recent guests of Mr. Angus AlacLeod is in poor health.
The church was decorated with netted plants and cut flowers on Easter Sabbath, loaned for the occasion by Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Maclver, and Miss Marion Maclver. Special music was prepared by the choir and Airs. Gates gave a solo. A special programme was prepared for Snn-dav school and the children gave Easter recitations and solos. Munay also presented oacn member of the Sunday school with an Easter treat of candy.
Miss Hattie Maclver was at Sherbrooke for a few days recently visiting relatives. Maclver and two daughters, of Montreal, motored to town on Friday, April 5, and were guests of Mr. Maclver, for a few days. They were accompanied back by Miss Betty Weatherhead for a short holiday. Wood was home from Sherbrooke recently.
Fred Wood. MaeAulay on Sunday, April The sugar season is at an end and has been the most profitable for many years. Miss Mary Buchanan accompanied Mr. Coaling to Hatley on Sunday, April Her son, Mr. Roland Bad- ger, of Boston, recently visited her there.
Russell Call is home from McGill College. Sam Digby lost his house by fire on Wednesday. He was working in the field and was notified that his dwelling was in flames. He only succeeded in getting out a few pieces of furniture.
Miss Marguerite Bowen has been ill with tonsilitis for several days. Clark, on Wednesday afternoon, April Aliss Eulnh Reed is home after spending the Easter season at Drummondville. Rives went to Barton on Thursday to spend a few days.
Miss Elena French, of Sawyerville, is the guest of Col. Farnsworth for a few days. Aliss Kathrine Kirby has returned to her studies at Stanstead College, after spending the holidays in town. Dunsmore, of Sherbrooke, is the guest of Air. Ray Almond, of Montreal, was a recent guest of Dr. Aliss Alita Osgood left on Wednesday for Stanstead. Metcalfe and son, Carl, of West Munroe, La. Chaddock, and Air. Aliss Florence Hurd has returned to Stanstead College. Miss Amy French, of Boston, Mass.
Herbert Taylor. Bean, of Thetford Alines, was the recent guest of her sister, Airs. Osgood, and Mr. Choir practice in St. Among the many remedies offered for the maintenance or restoration cf health and strength, there is none can compare with Dr. Alost ailments are due to poor, thin blood. Through this richer blood the tissues of the body are better nourished, and the functions of the body better performed.
Anaemic sufferers, weak, languid and nervous people speedily find new health and strength through the use of this medicine. This was the experience of Mrs. John Armour, South Monoghan, Ont. Before beginning the usq of this medicine I was pale and badly run down. I found it difficult tq do my housework and was tired and breathless at the least exertion.
Soon I began to feel better, sleep better and eat better, and found my weight increasing. In a word I felt like a new person. I have since recommended the Pills to others who have taken them with equally good results. Williams’ Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong.
Get a box from the nearest drug store and begin this treatment now. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50c. The Corr. G’-f, your bottle today.
Refuse a substitute for Putnam’s. Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. The very first application will give you relief and a few short treatments will thoroughly convince yo’u that by sticking faithfully to it for a short while your skin troubles, will be a thing of the past.
Rolled Oats: 80 lb. Grass Seed Timothy , No. Accommodations immaculately clean and comfortable; excellent cuisine, low fares, interesting fellow passengers. Make your trip to Europe memorable and worth-while. All inquiries receive prompt.
Catherine St. Krans, over the Eastertide. Miss Betty Goldie, of Halifax, N. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Hugh Symington, of Montreal, were guests of Mr. Symington over the Easter holidays. Tripp, of Montreal, was a tea guest of Mr. Arthur Shelters, of Bedford, and their son, Mr. Shelters on Easter Sunday and the Rev. Tripp was also an Easter : guest of Mr. The many friends of Mr.
John Symington, of Frelighs- burg, were sorry to learn that their home v’as burned to the ground on Saturday. The fire was beyond control before it was discovered. Allen was in towm on April 14th, calling on Mr.
Miss Leonora Krans, of Hartford Conn. Macfarlane, from Montreal, were at Mr. Miss Estella Primmerman returned home from her school for the Easter holidays. Claud Fairfield, from Hartford, has been visiting his parents. Kemp were calling on Mr. Kemp on Saturday. Kenneth Corey and Mrs. Wilson, from Bedford, were at Mr, C. Cards were played at three tables, after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess.
An enjoyable evening was spent by all. Charles Eldridge and son, Elburn, of Brome, and Mr. Forest Eldridge attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wilfred Mc-Glay in Bondville on Monday. Henry Barnes is spending a few days in Knowiton with her grandparents, Mr. Eldridge, of Knowiton. Forest Eldridge, on Sunday evening.
The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. McClay and Mr. George McClay and family in the loss of their dear son and brother, Mr. Tibbitts spent Friday night. April 15th, in Knowiton, with her daughter. James Blackwood, and family. ALVA Mr. Earl Bresee and family were Easter Sunday visitors at Mrs. George W. Miss Leila Smith returned from her home in Magog on April 18 and resumed her school duties after the spring vacation.
Miss Martel also reopened the Catholic school after two weeks’ vacation on April Edmund Thibault, of Bedford, has been spending a few days writh his parents, Mr. Wilfred Thibault. Miss Frances Griggs, of Montreal, is spending a week with his grandmother, Mrs. Mesdames R. MacWilliams and C. Whitehouse very hospitably [entertained the Guild in the basement of Christ Church on Tuesday afternoon, April 19, with a good attendance of members and friends.
Baker, Mrs. Refreshments W’ere served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Henry Williams. Miller has sold her farm on the Government Road, about one mile from this town, to Mr. Arthur Bo-right, and Mrs. Nettie George, of South Stukely, is spending a time w’ith her sister, Mrs.
Ingalls, and Mr. Taylor and Miss Olive returned to their home in Willing-ton on Thursday, after spending several days wdth her parents, Mr. Smith spent the week-end with her sister at Vale Perkins. Macfarlane, of Montreal, spent the week-end at his cottage. The ice has cleared out of the lake and boats are out again.
Cars have just commenced to pass through the Landing. The roads are quite dry, but very rough. The fares include all except personal expenses. Every detail arranged in advance. Jasper, of Magog, spent the week-end with his family here. Buck, of Shefford, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Bentley, were weekend guests of Mr. Ernest Howard. Hadlock entertained twenty friends for Easter dinner. Hall, Sr. Hail, Jr. Wilson, celebrating the birthday of Miss Beatrice Wilson. Master Albert Kimball spent the Easter holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. Kimball, at Knowiton.
Hall, Jr. Hutchins Easter Monday. Percy Needham and little daughter Doris spent the week with Mrs. Eastman in North Troy. Miss Eva Bailey, who is going to school in Mansonville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. Jesse Bailey. Rupert Champion, who has been at school at Sutton, spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Rev.
Champion, Mrs. Ernest Achilles, of Cabot, Vt. Percy Hawley, who has been ill a long time ami is soon going to Montreal for medical treatment.
Ann Barnett, of Highwater, is visiting Mr. Davis this week. The Easter services on Sunday, both morning and evening, were very impressive. The church was beautifully decorated with plants in full bloom. After the morning service the Holy Communion was observed. Harvey and two sons, of Riohford, Vt. Dymond and family, of Hillside, and Mrs. Viola Wilkins, of Sutton, were the Sunday guests of Mr. Joseph Royea. Misses Grace and Eunice Dymond and Ruth Brown returned to Sutton on Tuesday, where they are attending the Convent, after spending the Easter holidays at their homes here.
Earl Royea was at Hillside R. Donald Hastings and three children, of Sutton, spent Easter with their parents, Mr. Guests on Easter Sunday of Mr. Lickfold ana family and Mr. Frank Sherring, of Cowansville. Recent guests of Mrs. James Lodge, of New Bedford, Mass. Herbert Persons, of Glen Farnham; Mrs. Mitchell, of Gilman and Mr. Donald Hastings, of Sutton. Master Chas. Carter on Thursday afternoon, April 14th, with a good number of members [ present. Mixed media Glass art See all Art. Decoration New in Most Popular.
Coffee table books. Showroom See showroom collection Visit the showroom Sell from showroom. About About Contact. Support F. This item has already been sold. Number of items. Condition Good In good condition with light traces of use appropriate to the age of the item. Additional Info Receipt available.
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Usually will be shipped in business days hours. The request failed! Please try again. This item can’t be shipped to Unknown via. Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location. Please contact us for further assistance. Ship to United States. Buy Now. Arrival Notice. Email: Cancel Submit. Notification Subscription Success!
– Sherbrooke daily record, samedi 23 avril | BAnQ numérique
Shop By Departments. Coupons New Buyer Zone. Clearance Second Hand Forum. Buy Now Preorder Out of Stock. Add To Cart. Share successful,thanks! You’ve already shared it,but the number of coupons you receive has reached the maximum limit! Share failing! Price on the app only:. Download freely and enjoy extra offers! Ship From:. China Warehouse Please select a warehouse.
Usually will be shipped in business days hours. The request failed! Please try again. This item can’t be shipped to Unknown via. Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location. Please contact us for further assistance. Ship to United States. Buy Now. Arrival Notice. McCurdy, of Coaticook, was called to attend Mrs. Lennon, who was quite seriously hurt in ar.
The Easter morning service in St. Barnabas Church was especially well attended. Legge preached a most inspiring sermon. Miss M. Y’oung, of Compton, was a guest of Miss F. Yates for Easter. Machell wrent to St. Jobns-bury, Vt. Bolton Centre, Que. Atkinson, of Three Rivers, :s the guest of Mr. Herbert Perkins. James Hastings, of Melbourne, has been the guest of and Mrs. Robert Skilling. There was a large attendance at the early service. John May and Mr. Parker, of Coaticook, were in town Monday on business.
Harold Baldwin and children motored to Coaticook on Saturday. April 16th. Clarence Keeler, of Stanhope, were guests of Mr. Lyons, Sunday. Markwell, Mr. Carmer Drew in Stan-j stead. George St. George A. Farnham, Que. The Mission Band held their regular meeting in St.
A number of tie for a few days. Maclver, who has re-‘leader, Mrs. MaoLean, also cently returned from Springfield, having a message for the little ones. The president, -pent the past winter with her Mr. Peter Buchanan, presided, laughter in Montreal, is visiting This was one of the largest attend-friends here.
James Matheson is reported, est being shown by the; members, lo be improving and expects to be. One of the items of business before home in a short time. Payson A. Ross, of Sherbrooke, ments for the erecting of a new are visiting their son, Mr. Ross, grand stand, which is an urgent ne-Master Harold Southwood, of cessity. The dates were changed. Among the was in town on Tuesday. Peter Buchanan. Clarke and II. South- Ham Duffy, A. MaeAulay, K. Clayton Sherman, of f anter-Easter holidays in Richmond witn bury.
McGovern, of Lincoln, spentevening worship at 7 o cLcok. Vonderfui relief. I now weigh one hundred and thirty-Jire pounds where, before, I never went ever ninety. Miibum Co. The number of communi car. There was, a very good attendance at the evening service. Great credit is due to the choir for the splendid way in which the;,’ rendered the special music at both services.
The altar was profusely decorated with Easter lilies, tulips, daffodils, sweet peas ar. Hawley, Mrs. Hall and Pie. Lloyd Tarrant given by Mr. Shaw and Mrs. James Tarrant. The sanctuary and chancel were decorated with potted piar. Appropriate sermons were preached by the Rev. White, who owes his very life to the remarkable properties of Nerviline. Travelling in this colony and in South America, I found it an invaluable aid. No matter how strong and rosy your child may be he requires a laxative sometimes so that the stomach may be kept sweet and the system clean.
Not only as a laxative but in many other ways these Tablets are in ideal remedy for little ones. They quickly reduce feverishness, relieve indigestion, colic and vomiting, prevent constipation, check diarrhoea, allay teething pains and promote healthful, natural sleep. There was a good attendance at the nine o’clock service in St.
Templeton», Toronto. Dresser and Miss A. Dresser of Richmond, were calling on Mrs. Harris on April 15th. They were accompanied home by Master Robt. Quite a number from Asbestos attended the Easter ball in Danville. All report a good time. The hall was very prettily decorated for the occasion. Tea was served at seven tables and was very well patronized. The table of fancy work was very pretty and all was sold. Morrill was in Montreal on Tuesday, April Reakes in May.
The Easter service held at the United Church last Sunday was a very impressive one greatly enjoyed by all. The choir rendered iwo beautiful anthems and Mr. The Sunday school children did exceptionally well with their part of the programme, whicn consisted of Easter songs, recitations and solos. Mary Sherry and Merle Galle sang solos which were good. The floral decorations were potted plants, Easter lilies and cut flowers.
Much credit is due to the ladies who trained the children so well. Clarke was in Sherbrooke April 19th. Hamilton was in Montreal and Sherbrooke recently. An experiment was tried out by Mr. Morrill, local farmer,when he sowed an acre of grain on April 19th. It is exceptionally early foi seeding. Recently the fire department was called out to a chimney fire in Mr. Mois on and Mr. The fire was soon under control without very much damage reported. Martineau will preach in the United Church Sunday.
April 24th, at 7 p. Sunday School tnd Bible Class at It a. Buy your railroad tickets at M. Ledge’s Store. Going over any line. Frank MacLeod is home from Sherbrooke, where she was helping to care for her mother, Mrs. Gillander who passed away recently. Miss Gladys Duffy went on to Elmira, N. MacDonald, at Red Mountain. Morrison and son, Roscoe, spent Easter at Red Mountain. Angus Maclver, George MacKay and j.
Cowan gave a sugaring-off party on Friday, April 15th, at Mr. Cowan’s sugar camp. A large crowd of friends and neighbors were present, also the teachers and pupils of Gould Model School. The day was ideal and all enjoyed a good time. The weather was all that could be desired and a large number gathered to enjoy the treat. Miss Rita Butler, B.
Miss H. Griffith, B. Buchanan was home a few daj’S recently. Murdo MadLeod, of Megantic, were recent guests of Mr. Angus AlacLeod is in poor health. The church was decorated with netted plants and cut flowers on Easter Sabbath, loaned for the occasion by Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Maclver, and Miss Marion Maclver. Special music was prepared by the choir and Airs. Gates gave a solo. A special programme was prepared for Snn-dav school and the children gave Easter recitations and solos.
Munay also presented oacn member of the Sunday school with an Easter treat of candy. Miss Hattie Maclver was at Sherbrooke for a few days recently visiting relatives. Maclver and two daughters, of Montreal, motored to town on Friday, April 5, and were guests of Mr. Maclver, for a few days. They were accompanied back by Miss Betty Weatherhead for a short holiday. Wood was home from Sherbrooke recently. Fred Wood. MaeAulay on Sunday, April The sugar season is at an end and has been the most profitable for many years.
Miss Mary Buchanan accompanied Mr. Coaling to Hatley on Sunday, April Her son, Mr. Roland Bad- ger, of Boston, recently visited her there. Russell Call is home from McGill College. Sam Digby lost his house by fire on Wednesday. He was working in the field and was notified that his dwelling was in flames.
He only succeeded in getting out a few pieces of furniture. Miss Marguerite Bowen has been ill with tonsilitis for several days.
Clark, on Wednesday afternoon, April Aliss Eulnh Reed is home after spending the Easter season at Drummondville. Rives went to Barton on Thursday to spend a few days. Miss Elena French, of Sawyerville, is the guest of Col. Farnsworth for a few days. Aliss Kathrine Kirby has returned to her studies at Stanstead College, after spending the holidays in town.
Dunsmore, of Sherbrooke, is the guest of Air. Ray Almond, of Montreal, was a recent guest of Dr. Aliss Alita Osgood left on Wednesday for Stanstead. Metcalfe and son, Carl, of West Munroe, La. Chaddock, and Air. Aliss Florence Hurd has returned to Stanstead College.
Miss Amy French, of Boston, Mass. Herbert Taylor. Bean, of Thetford Alines, was the recent guest of her sister, Airs. Osgood, and Mr. Choir practice in St. Among the many remedies offered for the maintenance or restoration cf health and strength, there is none can compare with Dr. Alost ailments are due to poor, thin blood. Through this richer blood the tissues of the body are better nourished, and the functions of the body better performed. Anaemic sufferers, weak, languid and nervous people speedily find new health and strength through the use of this medicine.
This was the experience of Mrs. John Armour, South Monoghan, Ont. Before beginning the usq of this medicine I was pale and badly run down. I found it difficult tq do my housework and was tired and breathless at the least exertion. Soon I began to feel better, sleep better and eat better, and found my weight increasing.
In a word I felt like a new person. I have since recommended the Pills to others who have taken them with equally good results. Williams’ Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. Get a box from the nearest drug store and begin this treatment now.
The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50c. The Corr. G’-f, your bottle today. Refuse a substitute for Putnam’s. Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well. The very first application will give you relief and a few short treatments will thoroughly convince yo’u that by sticking faithfully to it for a short while your skin troubles, will be a thing of the past.
Rolled Oats: 80 lb. Grass Seed Timothy , No. Accommodations immaculately clean and comfortable; excellent cuisine, low fares, interesting fellow passengers.
Make your trip to Europe memorable and worth-while. All inquiries receive prompt. Catherine St. Krans, over the Eastertide. Miss Betty Goldie, of Halifax, N. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Hugh Symington, of Montreal, were guests of Mr.
Symington over the Easter holidays. Tripp, of Montreal, was a tea guest of Mr. Arthur Shelters, of Bedford, and their son, Mr.
Shelters on Easter Sunday and the Rev. Tripp was also an Easter : guest of Mr. The many friends of Mr. John Symington, of Frelighs- burg, were sorry to learn that their home v’as burned to the ground on Saturday. The fire was beyond control before it was discovered. Allen was in towm on April 14th, calling on Mr. Miss Leonora Krans, of Hartford Conn. Macfarlane, from Montreal, were at Mr. Miss Estella Primmerman returned home from her school for the Easter holidays.
Claud Fairfield, from Hartford, has been visiting his parents. Kemp were calling on Mr. Kemp on Saturday. Kenneth Corey and Mrs. Wilson, from Bedford, were at Mr, C.
Cards were played at three tables, after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. Charles Eldridge and son, Elburn, of Brome, and Mr. Forest Eldridge attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wilfred Mc-Glay in Bondville on Monday. Henry Barnes is spending a few days in Knowiton with her grandparents, Mr.
Eldridge, of Knowiton. Forest Eldridge, on Sunday evening. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. McClay and Mr. George McClay and family in the loss of their dear son and brother, Mr. Tibbitts spent Friday night. April 15th, in Knowiton, with her daughter. James Blackwood, and family. ALVA Mr. Earl Bresee and family were Easter Sunday visitors at Mrs. George W. Miss Leila Smith returned from her home in Magog on April 18 and resumed her school duties after the spring vacation. Miss Martel also reopened the Catholic school after two weeks’ vacation on April Edmund Thibault, of Bedford, has been spending a few days writh his parents, Mr.
Wilfred Thibault. Miss Frances Griggs, of Montreal, is spending a week with his grandmother, Mrs. Mesdames R. MacWilliams and C. Whitehouse very hospitably [entertained the Guild in the basement of Christ Church on Tuesday afternoon, April 19, with a good attendance of members and friends.
Baker, Mrs. Refreshments W’ere served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Henry Williams. Miller has sold her farm on the Government Road, about one mile from this town, to Mr. Arthur Bo-right, and Mrs. Nettie George, of South Stukely, is spending a time w’ith her sister, Mrs. Ingalls, and Mr. Taylor and Miss Olive returned to their home in Willing-ton on Thursday, after spending several days wdth her parents, Mr. Smith spent the week-end with her sister at Vale Perkins.
Macfarlane, of Montreal, spent the week-end at his cottage. The ice has cleared out of the lake and boats are out again. Cars have just commenced to pass through the Landing. The roads are quite dry, but very rough. The fares include all except personal expenses. Every detail arranged in advance. Jasper, of Magog, spent the week-end with his family here. Buck, of Shefford, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Bentley, were weekend guests of Mr. Ernest Howard. Hadlock entertained twenty friends for Easter dinner. Hall, Sr. Hail, Jr. Wilson, celebrating the birthday of Miss Beatrice Wilson. Master Albert Kimball spent the Easter holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. Kimball, at Knowiton. Hall, Jr. Hutchins Easter Monday. Percy Needham and little daughter Doris spent the week with Mrs.
Eastman in North Troy. Miss Eva Bailey, who is going to school in Mansonville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. Jesse Bailey. Rupert Champion, who has been at school at Sutton, spent the Easter holidays with his parents, Rev. Champion, Mrs. Ernest Achilles, of Cabot, Vt. Percy Hawley, who has been ill a long time ami is soon going to Montreal for medical treatment.
Ann Barnett, of Highwater, is visiting Mr. Davis this week. The Easter services on Sunday, both morning and evening, were very impressive. The church was beautifully decorated with plants in full bloom. After the morning service the Holy Communion was observed. Harvey and two sons, of Riohford, Vt.
Dymond and family, of Hillside, and Mrs. Viola Wilkins, of Sutton, were the Sunday guests of Mr. Joseph Royea. Misses Grace and Eunice Dymond and Ruth Brown returned to Sutton on Tuesday, where they are attending the Convent, after spending the Easter holidays at their homes here. Earl Royea was at Hillside R. Donald Hastings and three children, of Sutton, spent Easter with their parents, Mr.
Guests on Easter Sunday of Mr. Lickfold ana family and Mr. Frank Sherring, of Cowansville. Recent guests of Mrs. James Lodge, of New Bedford, Mass. Herbert Persons, of Glen Farnham; Mrs.
Mitchell, of Gilman and Mr. Donald Hastings, of Sutton. Master Chas. Carter on Thursday afternoon, April 14th, with a good number of members [ present. I tried several remedies, but all failed. Several other items of import-1 ance were discussed, after which!
Kidd, treasurer. Lunch was served by the1 hostesses. Corey, Mrs. Kernp and Mrs. Tyson, of Montreal, who preached last Sunday is expected again for this Sunday. Boyd and Donald Boyd spent a few days in Sutton visiting friends recently.
McPhee, Mr. Misses Charlotte and Helen Glea-: son and Mr. Howard Deuel attended a dance in Brigham on Monday, evening, April Easter Monday guests at the! Jordan, of Sutton. Angus Larocque. Fred Hayes, of West! Many of these, like Mrs. Writing from Frenchville, Sask. Buy a box today. My mother has taken B. Milbum Co.
Cameron, of Montreal, spent the Easter holiday-, at the home of his parents. Philippe Chieoine and family, of Vaudreuil, were recent guests of his father here. George Martyn spent Easter here and accompanied her nephew.
Clarence Neveu, to the college at Farnham. Monday evening. Lennon, B. Remains Laid to Rest m bt. Montgomery of the Glebe United Church. Sunday School and Bible Classes: at 2. All seats in Trinity Church are free. You are invited to worship! The A. Mixed media Glass art See all Art. Decoration New in Most Popular. Coffee table books. Showroom See showroom collection Visit the showroom Sell from showroom. About About Contact. Support F. This item has already been sold. Number of items.
Condition Good In good condition with light traces of use appropriate to the age of the item. Additional Info Receipt available. Share on Facebook.