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Free Microsoft Word test and online pre-employment test. Microsoft Word skills assessment. Learn about the Microsoft Word skills employers most want, and how those are assessed in Word tests – at basic, intermediate and advanced level. With tips.
Microsoft Official Practice Test MOS Word, Excel, PowerPoint – Availability
Login Candidate Administrator. Test catalog Office, digital and programming skills test. More info. Start free test Buy. Page layout and formatting Questions within this domain cover basic to advanced formatting of a text or paragraph and applying a theme to a document.
Editing tools This domain covers bullets and numbering, performing a search, and using spellcheck. Graphic objects and tables This domain covers skills with objects in Word documents: tables, charts, OLE objects, clipart images, and photos. Buy Now.
Please select a test subject: Excel. Updated: Jun 14, 40 Questions. Updated: Jun 14, 80 Questions. Updated: Jun 14, Questions. Updated: Jun 14, 83 Questions. Copyright Notice All contents JustCerts. Home Microsoft Microsoft Word Expert. What is a Microsoft Word test? Why do employers use them? Key Microsoft Word skills that are most in demand As Microsoft Word is such a varied program, there are many different skills to master.
The most common skills can be categorised into these three main categories: Creating and Editing Text As Microsoft Word is a word-processing program, formatting the text of your document is one of the most crucial skills.
Creating and Editing Tables Tables are a commonly used feature of Word. How best to prepare for a Microsoft Word test The best way to prepare is through practice tests. Learn from your mistakes Practice questions are a great way for you to identify any potential gaps in your knowledge.
Time yourself As some tests are timed, you should add timed tests to your practice as well. Unpack the questions Some of the questions may be designed to catch you out. Typical Microsoft Word test formats Depending on the role that you have applied for, your test will be at either Basic, Intermediate or Advanced level. Basic level If you are taking a basic test, you will be tested on the more simple aspects of Microsoft Word.
Basic Practice Question: You highlight some plain text and then click the button highlighted below: What will the result be? The text looks like this The text looks like this The text looks like this Solution: The text looks like this Intermediate level At intermediate level, you will need to know Word in greater detail. Intermediate Practice Question: What function would create the highlighted cells?
Insert new cell Insert new column left Split cells Merge Cells Solution: Merge Cells Advanced Level For the advanced level questions, you need to have mastered a lot more skills, including different saving options, working with bookmarks and converting footnotes to endnotes.
Advanced Practice Question What is the difference between a footnote and an endnote? A footnote is at the end of the document and an endnote is at the end of each page A footnote is at the end of the page and an endnote is at the top of each page A footnote is at the end of each page and an endnote is at the end of the document They are the same thing Solution: A footnote is at the end of each page and an endnote is at the end of each document 3.
I learnt exactly where I needed more practice and could focus on improving those areas. Lora used Practice Aptitude Tests to keep track of her practice and progress.
Start your success story. How do you practice for a Word test? Is a Microsoft Word test hard? What are the main functions of Microsoft Word? How are Microsoft Word tests scored? Microsoft Word Tests Tips 1 Take the time to prepare properly Make sure you give yourself sufficient time to properly get ready for the test.
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