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The Information Technology IT Department provides reliable, up-to-date, effective, secure, and integrated technology solutions and information services to empower students, faculty and staff to meet their goals in support of the mission of the university.

If you are having maya 2018 autodesk student free accessing Regent systems Genisys, Blackboard, Email, etc. Office Hours M-F: 8 a. Calling Hours. Duo Security is a company that provides a cloud-based software service that utilizes two-factor maa to ensure secure access to services and data. Learn more by clicking here.

Two-factor authentication provides a second layer of security to any type of maya 2018 autodesk student free, requiring extra information or a physical device to log in, in addition to your password. By requiring two different channels of authentication, we can protect user logins from remote attacks that may exploit stolen usernames and passwords. Something you have: A smartphone with an app to approve authentication requests. Something you are: Biometrics — like your fingerprint or a retina scan.

Login credentials are more valuable than ever and are increasingly easy to compromise. Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your account by using a secondary device to verify your identity. This prevents anyone but you from maya 2018 autodesk student free your account, even if they know your password. When logging in to a Regent University web application that is protected by Duo, you will still enter your username and password.

After sutdent your login information, Duo requires you to complete a method of maya 2018 autodesk student free authentication when working remotely. Duo does not replace or maya 2018 autodesk student free you to change your username and password. Think autodsek Duo as a layer of security added to your pre-existing login method. Log in using your username and password through the Regent Login Portal.

The DUO service will use your chosen authentication method a prompt within the mobile App, a text or phone call, or a rotating code autodesk inventor 2017 service pack 2 free ensure that the person logging in is really you. Alternately, once enforcement maya 2018 autodesk student free you will directed to a page like this if you have not yet enrolled when logging on to a protected Regent University page:.

During setup you will need to select a device which will be your primary method of authentication by the system. You will be prompted maya 2018 autodesk student free enter the mobile number for the device, then to indicate what type of device it is:. You will next be prompted to install Duo Maya 2018 autodesk student free for your mobile operating system:.

Alternately you can click the option to have an activation link emailed to you and click that link from your mobile device. Your device is now enrolled, and studemt will be presented with the default login prompt as shown above. When using Duo Mobile, you have the option of authenticating by Push notification or by passcode. Depending on your notification settings, the pop-up could be suppressed, in which mya you can open the Duo Mobile app after selecting maja option.

Take the time to note the ,aya, time and username shown before approving the login to make sure they are as expected. If there are any discrepancies this could be an unauthorized attempt to gain access to your account and you could click DENY. See FAQ for more info. If the first code shown does not work it may have 22018 expired. Accessing Office is simple and provides you with Office for PC, Mac and a number of mobile platforms.

Click here for more information. Now licensed for version 27 and available off-campus for install. For more information, please click here. Now available for off-campus install. MyRegent is your portal into many of the systems and services available to you at Regent University.

We recommend using the MyRegent Portal for integrated access to all of your online Regent studemt. You can log in to the MyRegent Portal at my. Upon acceptance to Regent University and processing of the enrollment deposit, you will receive an email to your personal email address with instructions on how to initialize your MyRegent account.

Your MyRegent account username will be created using portions of your first and last name. The MyRegent account username is also used to create your Student Mail by Google account in the form of myregentusername mail. Once your MyRegent account password maya 2018 autodesk student free created, you may login to the MyRegent portal at my.

Your MyRegent account password is automatically synchronized to be the same as your Student Mail by Google account password. Regent University recommends changing your Maya 2018 autodesk student free account password at least every days by going to www.

Its primary purpose is to notify Regent faculty, staff and on campus students in the event of an emergency on or near campus, such as a man-made or natural disaster.

Blackboard breathes life into educational content, brings efficiency to day-to-day tasks, empowers users with tools to engage in wtudent, and promotes collaboration and streamlines processes. To view the status of your financial больше на странице application or to accept financial aid awards, proceed to the Genisys login page.

Once you are logged in to portal, click the Genisys link at the very top of the page. If you are a recently accepted studentyour MyRegent ID and instructions for setting your password will be sent to you via email once the enrollment deposit requirement has been met. Without stuednt inyou may view course descriptions and view the course schedule.

If further assistance is required, please contact the Regent University Help Desk at helpdesk regent. Degree Works is an online tool to help students and their advisors track degree maya 2018 autodesk student free, prepare for registration, and plan for graduation. It allows students to view their grades and GPA, estimate how long it will take maya 2018 autodesk student free to graduate, and what courses count or do not count toward their majors.

The Information Technology Department has developed recommended configurations for desktop and laptop computers as a guide for students purchasing computers to use while enrolled at Regent University. The general rule of thumb when purchasing a new computer is to purchase the most powerful computer studejt can afford. Buying a powerful computer faster processor, more memory, larger hard drive will help to ensure that your computer will meet your academic needs for maya 2018 autodesk student free years to come.

Use the Recommended Configurations above as a guide. Students should examine their computing needs and habits to determine whether a desktop or laptop best suits their needs. Laptops provide students with the flexibility of using the computer almost anywhere. Desktop computers offer more for the money, and are usually easier to upgrade. The Information Technology Department does not provide support for the installation, repair, or maintenance of computer hardware, or the installation and configuration of computer software including the operating system for personally owned computers.

It is important that you purchase a computer from a vendor that can provide these services for you. For hardware, it is recommended that a three-year, on-site warranty be purchased with your new computer. For laptop purchases, Regent University highly recommends purchasing a maya 2018 autodesk student free that includes accident damage coverage. For example, Dell offers Accidental Damage Services as an option when customizing your laptop order.

While Regent University does not endorse any specific manufacturer or vendor, please view may current Special Offers to see vendors that offer academic discounts to Regent University students, staff, and faculty. Computers can slow down overtime and be attacked by malicious software such as virus and malware programs.

Regent University recommends certain software to help keep your computer running safely and smoothly. Below are two free Anti-Virus programs that Regent University recommends to clean and protect your computer.

Regent University computer labs and most academic departments are Windows-based. If you have a Mac or are considering purchasing one, you may want to check with your school to see ffree there are specific compatibility issues. However, most students should have no difficulty using a Mac computer if they have a recent version of Mac OS version Use the links provided to buy books and software at discounted prices and obtain special discounts from Apple, Dell or HP.

When purchasing a new computer please look at our Computer Recommendations to ensure that you get a computer is compatible with Regent systems. These are the only authorized autodexk networks supplied by Regent University. Passwords are not required.

Internet access for the Regent Village is provided by Cox Communications. Contact the Regent Village for more information. There are four computer labs on campus for student and staff use. Printing is available in the labs for 5 cents per page.

Your Google account is the official student mail account macx video converter pro mac free the University. All official Regent University electronic correspondence will be sent to your Regent provided Google mail account. Google Maya 2018 autodesk student free Suite accounts offer a wide array of features, including mail, calendar, unlimited Google Drive free cloud based storage maya 2018 autodesk student free Google Hangouts text, voice, and video messaging service.

These features are available through the MyRegent Portal at auyodesk. Your Regent G Suite password is automatically synchronized to be the same as your MyRegent account password. To change your password, please visit www. Google supports multiple logins адрес that you can login to your Regent G Suite account and your personal Google account simultaneously.

For specific instructions, please see the Google Account Help site on this topic. Google and Regent University take security seriously and protecting autovesk data is important. Please see Google for Education Privacy and Security for more information.

When you sign into your Regent G Suite account, maya 2018 autodesk student free hp deskjet ink advantage 3545 driver for windows 10 be presented with information on the privacy and security of your new account. In that statement, it mentions the domain administrator as having access to your account information. Maya 2018 autodesk student free University does not access Regent G Maya 2018 autodesk student free student data unless the student has requested help with their G Suite account or the university is under subpoena to supply such information.

If you have specific questions about the privacy or security of your account, here are some additional resources provided by Google. Do not make an email longer than it needs to be.

Remember that reading an email is harder than reading printed communications and a long email can be very discouraging to read. An email reply must answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions. Moreover, if you are able to pre-empt relevant questions, your recipient will be grateful and impressed with your efficient and thoughtful customer service.



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Malgrado un qualunque computer sia potenzialmente in grado di permettere la lettura di un eBook, si dovrebbe parlare di eBook reading device solo riferendosi a quei dispositivi dotati di caratteristiche tali da poter essere usati in maniera analoga a quella di un libro cartaceo. Le caratteristiche essenziali che un eBook reading device dovrebbe avere sono:. Tenendo conto di queste caratteristiche, possiamo suddividere i vari dispositivi hardware disponibili sul mercato in Tablet PC , palmari e lettori dedicati.

Questa operazione, oltre a non essere una soluzione definitiva al problema, spesso presenta problemi tali da non essere facilmente eseguibile da tutti; in alcuni casi i problemi tecnici sono tali da renderlo praticamente irrealizzabile.

Anche se vengono genericamente chiamati “formati di testo”, alcuni di questi formati permettono la creazione di ipertesti e l’inserimento di oggetti multimediali come immagini, audio o video.

I molti formati di testo disponibili, in relazione al mondo degli eBook, possono essere suddivisi in due categorie:. Utilizzandoli pertanto difficilmente si corre il rischio di non possedere il software o il dispositivo hardware adatto per leggerli.

In generale gli svantaggi derivano dalla mancanza di compressione del testo che aumenta lo spazio occupato dall’eBook sul supporto di memorizzazione e dal fatto che si adattano male ad essere utilizzati su dispositivi portatili dotati di schermi di piccole dimensioni come i palmari. I formati appositamente ideati per gli eBook hanno generalmente il vantaggio di essere adatti a piattaforme dotate di meno risorse hardware rispetto ai computer desktop.

Spesso infatti prevedono la riduzione delle dimensioni del testo e si adattano meglio ad essere visualizzati sui piccoli schermi dei dispositivi portatili. Libri che si possono toccare, libri che si possono odorare, libri dai quali possiamo dipendere. L’avvento degli eBook ha tuttavia sollevato anche una serie di problematiche. Nel tentativo di combattere questa piaga, il 27 maggio l’Alta Corte inglese ha decretato per i 5 grandi fornitori di servizi internet del Regno Unito – BT, EE, Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin Media – l’obbligo di interdire l’accesso a 7 siti internet accusati di offrire in maniera illegale un totale di 10 milioni di eBook [23].

L’Associazione italiana editori Aie , ha recentemente reso noto le impressionanti cifre che testimoniano l’ampia diffusione della pirateria di eBook.

Infatti, analizzando i dati, emerge che in Italia, su Coloro che caricano sul web internet illegalmente, non agiscono in maniera disinteressata, ma per guadagnarne. Chi mette on line file riceve denaro dal servizio hosting, in base alla dimensioni e alle migliaia di scaricamenti. Inoltre, ne ricavano profitto le compagnie pubblicitarie che forniscono le inserzioni ai servizi di hosting e i provider di servizi finanziari attraverso cui i pagamenti possono avvenire anonimamente.

La ricerca, condotta in Uk da Kantar Media, rivela che i consumatori di eBook sono quelli che hanno pagato in numero maggiore per i contenuti di cui hanno usufruito rispetto ai consumatori di altro tipo film, musica, videogames ecc. Altri progetti. Da Wikipedia, l’enciclopedia libera. Commento : da riscrivere in forma discorsiva, niente elenchi specie senza fonti Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia.

Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Sarebbe utile correggerla eliminando valutazioni soggettive sugli impatti all’industria multimediale. Per contribuire, correggi i toni enfatici o di parte e partecipa alla discussione. URL consultato il 20 aprile URL consultato l’11 febbraio URL consultato il 18 aprile archiviato dall’ url originale il 18 aprile URL consultato l’11 dicembre URL consultato il 14 dicembre E che impatto ha la pirateria sul mercato? Altri progetti Wikiquote Wikizionario Wikimedia Commons.

Portale Letteratura. Portale Scienza e tecnica. Categoria : Ebook. Menu di navigazione Strumenti personali Accesso non effettuato discussioni contributi registrati entra. Namespace Voce Discussione. Visite Leggi Modifica Modifica wikitesto Cronologia. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: EBook reader.

Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Audiolibro. Adobe Digital Editions. Windows , Windows Mobile.