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AutoLISP is a small, dynamically scoped , dynamically typed Lisp language dialect with garbage collection , immutable list structure, and settable symbols, lacking in such regular Lisp features as macro system, records definition facilities, arrays, functions with variable number of arguments or let bindings. The properties of these graphical entities are revealed to AutoLISP as association lists in which values are paired with AutoCAD group codes that indicate properties such as definitional points, radii, colors, layers, linetypes, etc.
LSP files. AutoLISP code can interact with the user through AutoCAD’s graphical editor by use of primitive functions that allow the user to pick points, choose objects on screen, and input numbers and other data. After that, its development was neglected by Autodesk in favor of more fashionable development environments like Visual Basic for Applications VBA ,.
However, it has remained AutoCAD’s main user customizing language. This is part of a long-term process of changing from VBA to. NET for user customizing. Note the final line inside the function definition: when evaluated with no arguments, the princ function returns a null symbol, which is not displayed by the AutoCAD command-line interface. Therefore, without the final call to the princ function, the result of this would be:. The above code defines a new function which generates an AutoCAD point object at a given point, with a one-line text object displaying the X and Y coordinates beside it.
The name of the function includes a special prefix ‘c:’, which causes AutoCAD to recognize the function as a regular command. The user, upon typing ‘pointlabel’ at the AutoCAD command line, would be prompted to pick a point, either by typing the X and Y coordinates, or clicking a location in the drawing. The function would then place a marker at that point, and create a one-line text object next to it, containing the X and Y coordinates of the point expressed relative to the active User Coordinate System UCS.
The function requires no parameters , and contains one local variable ‘pnt’. The above example could also be written using built-in AutoCAD commands to achieve the same result, however this approach is susceptible to changes to the command prompts between AutoCAD releases. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Timeline of Lisp dialects v t e. Retrieved 14 April Archived from the original on 15 April Archived from the original on Autodesk AutoCAD.
Lisp programming language. Automatic storage management Conditionals Dynamic typing Higher-order functions Linked lists M-expressions deprecated Read—eval—print loop Recursion S-expressions Self-hosting compiler Tree data structures. Lisp machine TI Explorer Space-cadet keyboard. Symbolics Xanalys. Edmund Berkeley Daniel G. Bobrow William Clinger R.
Scott Fahlman Richard P. Gabriel Philip Greenspun 10th rule David A. Moon Kent Pitman Guy L. Steele Jr. Daniel Weinreb. Gerald Jay Sussman Julie Sussman. List Category Category. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Autodesk , Basis Software. January ; 36 years ago Israel United States Czech Republic.
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– Autodesk autocad 2015 books pdf free
The house is reoriented with respect to the current UCS see Figure 2. The new line has a dif- ferent orientation with respect to the original line you drew in step 1 see Figure 2. To restore the current coordinate system to its original state, called the world coordinate system WCS , type UCS and press Enter twice. The plan is oriented to the WCS as it was initially.
Both lines were drawn at a degree angle but in different coordinate systems. Observe that north is up again in the ViewCube. Draw Circles, Arcs, and Polygons Arcs are sections of circles. Polygons are regular igures made of straight seg- ments such as a triangle, square, pentagon, or hexagon. A polygon with a large number of segments may look like a circle but is fundamentally different. There are many options for creating circles, arcs, and polygons.
AutoCAD pro- vides these options to make it easier to create accurate shapes based on all the types of geometric situations that typically arise in drawings. Zoom into the stove in the kitchen. Two of the burner circles are missing, and you will draw them. On the Home tab, take a look at the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel, and observe that Furniture is the current layer because you see its name without having to open the drop-down.
Open the Layer drop-down menu, and select Equipment as the current layer see Figure 2. You will use preexisting points as guides in drawing the burners. Expand the Utilities panel on the Home on whichever layer is tab and select Point Style.
In the Point Style dialog box, select the X current. Think of layers icon and click OK see Figure 2. Click the Circle tool on the Draw panel. Before you click a center Objective point, hold down Shift and right-click to open the Object Snap con- text menu. Select Node from the context menu Figure 2.
Always use object snaps to connect objects precisely. Right-click to repeat the last command. Never type m, [3P 2P Ttr tan tan radius ]: cm, or mm to repre- sent metric units. Object snaps listed in Select Node, and then click point B shown in Figure 2. Hold Shift again, right-click, and choose Node. Click point C shown be selected each time they are used. You will in Figure 2. Click the arrow under the Circle tool in the Draw panel, and select running object snaps in Chapter 3.
Click the circle you drew in the previous step. Hold Shift, right-click again, and type G. Notice that this letter is underlined in the word Tangent in the context menu refer to Figure 2. Click the circle on the bottom left. You can type the irst three letters of any object snap as an alternative to using the context menu.
AutoCAD draws a circle precisely tangent to the three others see Figure 2. Erase all three point objects and the last circle you drew to leave the four burners of the stove. In the next set of steps, you will use one such arc option to draw a door swing.
Pan and Zoom into the bathroom by dragging and rotating the mouse wheel. Select Doors from the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel. Certification 3. Select Center, Start, End. This is the sequence in which information must be entered. Hold Shift and right-click. Select Endpoint from the context menu, and click the start point B shown in Figure 2. The arc appears, and the command is completed.
You can draw these shapes inside or outside a circle, or specify the edge length, as shown in the following steps. Make the Furniture layer current by selecting it from the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel.
Zoom into the living room. Type 4, and press Enter to draw a square. Press Enter to repeat the last command, type 6, and press Enter to draw a hexagon. Click a point in the living room where you want to center the hexagon.
Press Enter to accept the default Inscribed In Circle option. Fillet cre- ates arcs and Chamfer creates lines. Use Fillet and Chamfer 37 2.
Press the down-arrow key three more times, and press Enter to select the Distance option in the Dynamic Input display see Figure 2. FIGuRE 2. Click the second line to perform the chamfer and complete the command. The cham- fer is shown in the middle of Figure 2. This option should be selected by default. Click the irst line, and then position the cursor over the second line; the illet preview shows on screen.
Click the second line to commit to that particular radius. A illet is shown at the right of Figure 2. In the case of crossing lines, you must select the lines on the portions that you want to keep, as shown in these steps. Type F, and press Enter.
Press the down-arrow key to access the Dynamic Input display, and select Radius. Type 0, and press Enter. Now Fillet will not create an arc at all. Click the points A and B, as shown in Figure 2.
The lines are joined at their endpoints, and the remaining portions of the lines beyond their intersection point are trimmed away. You have filleted and chamfered sets of lines, used absolute and relative coordinate systems, and created objects using specific measurements.
In addition, you know how to cancel, erase, and undo and how to correct your mistakes. Drawing aids are essential modes and methods of entering data that, once mastered, allow you to create measured drawings with ease. I highly recommend learning all of the drawing aids, because they will make you a more productive draftsper- son.
Most drawing aids can be toggled on or off from the application status bar. Additional settings and dialog boxes are accessible by right-clicking the individual status-bar toggles. Snap constrains your ability to draw objects so that they automatically start and end precisely at grid intersections. Grid and Snap are most help- ful when used together so that you can draw objects that snap to the grid. Figure 3. Choose the acad. Open the Customization menu on the extreme right of the status bar and select Units and LineWeight.
Click in the drawing window to close the Customization menu. Change Units to Architectural if you are using Imperial units; leave Decimal selected if you are using metric units. Click OK. Right-click ally equal to or an to end the LINE command.
Open the Default drop-down list, Zoom or pan as neces- sary as you are working select 0. Type L, and press Enter twice to continue drawing from the last with layers in point. Toggle Grid off in the status bar.
Commands that operate while another command is running are called transparent commands. Typing an apostrophe before a command forces it to be run transparently. For example, while drawing a line type ‘Z and press Enter.
Polar Tracking is more lexible than Ortho mode, with the ability to constrain lines to increments of a set angle. Begin by opening the ile Ex Type L, position the cursor over the right endpoint of the horizontal line, and click to establish the irst point of a new line. Toggle off Snap mode by pressing the F9 key. Toggle on Ortho mode by clicking the Ortho toggle in the status bar or by pressing the F8 key.
Ortho mode constrains the line vertically and typing in an explicit value obviates the need for Snap. Toggle off Ortho mode by clicking its status bar button. Toggle on Certification Objective Polar Tracking by clicking the adjacent button on the right. The dash is a necessary 6. Move the cursor around, and observe that green dashed lines appear separator between in eight locations around a circle in 45 increments.
Move the cursor whole and fractional inches. Ortho and Polar Tracking save you from having to type in angles or coordinate values explicitly, or to even think about coordinate systems. Instead of being tied to a spatial grid as with Snap , PolarSnap is based on relative polar coordinates. Exercise 3. Toggle on Snap by clicking its icon on the status bar.
Right-click the same button, and choose Snap Settings from the context menu. Certification 2. Use polarSnap 47 3. Right-click to end the LINE command. Press the spacebar to repeat the LINE command. Type 0,0 or , for metric and press Enter to input the irst endpoint of the new line. Toggle off Snap mode by clicking its icon on the status bar, thus dis- abling PolarSnap. Move the cursor horizontally to the right until it overshoots the last line drawn in step 5. Click to draw the line without worrying about its length see Figure 3.
Right-click to complete the command. Type F for Fillet , and press Enter. Verify that Radius is set to 0 in the Command window, and then click the vertical and horizontal lines on the portions of the lines that you want to keep marked A and B in Figure 3.
Select Running object Snaps The lines you have drawn thus far are all precisely connected because they were chained together as they were drawn or their coordinates were known. Aside from these special circumstances, lines must be connected using object snaps to ensure accuracy. Begin by open- ing the ile Ex Press Z and then Enter. Click two points to deine a tightly cropped zoom window around point A. Zoom in again if necessary until you can see that the endpoint of the line you just drew is not on the hori- zontal line see Figure 3.
No matter how carefully you clicked point A in the previous step, the line you drew will not be on the edge it will either fall short of it or overshoot it. Click Zoom Previous again if necessary to return to the original view.
Click the line drawn in step 3, and press the Delete key. Toggle on Object Snap on the status bar. Right-click the same Certification Objective icon, and choose Object Snap Settings from the context menu. Toggle off Polar Tracking on the status bar.
Move the cursor close to point A in Figure 3. When it does, click to snap You can toggle on one the irst point of your line precisely to this point. Move the cursor down to point B, and wait until the green perpendic- the actual geometric ular marker appears.
When it does, click the drawing canvas to select perpendicular; as long the second point of the line. This line as the perpendicular is connected precisely at both ends because Object Snap was used. Zoom into point A or B in Figure 3. Click Zoom Extents in the Navigation bar to exactly. Hold down Shift, right-click to open the Object Snap context menu, and choose Nearest.
Object snaps invoked from the context menu override any running object snaps. Click point A, shown in Figure 3. Nearest ensures that the new line is attached somewhere along the edge of the horizontal line. Move the cursor close to point B, as shown in Figure 3. Choosing None in the Snap context menu Harness the From Snap overrides any running snaps with no snap.
Rather than snapping to an existing geometrical feature such as an endpoint, midpoint, intersection, and so on , how do you snap a set distance and direction from one? Answer: Use the From snap, as shown in the following exercise. Type L and press Enter. Hold Shift and right-click to open the Object Snap context menu. Select From in the context menu. Click point A shown in Figure 3. This is the point from which you will specify a displacement.
Move the cursor to point B, and wait for the running perpendicular snap marker to appear. When it does, click to specify the second point of the line. Select the line you just drew, and press the Delete key. Apply object Snap tracking Object snap tracking is for situations where you want to snap to a point that has a geometric relationship with two or more snap points.
Toggle on Object Snap Tracking by clicking its icon on the status bar. Certification Objective Verify that Ortho mode is on.
Move the cursor over point A in Figure 3. When the running mid- point snap marker appears, move the cursor horizontally to the right to establish the irst tracking line. Do not click yet.
Move the cursor over point B in Figure 3. Move the cursor down vertically to estab- lish the second tracking line.
Again, do not click yet. Move the cursor down until both tracking lines intersect. When they do, click point C to set the center point of the circle. Click the Rectangle tool on the Draw panel. Move the cursor over the endpoint marked A in Figure 3. Move the cursor to point B in Figure 3. Move the cursor horizontally back to the intersection with the irst tracking line, and click to establish the irst corner of the rectangle point C.
The rectangle and drawing is complete see Figure 3. Most of your time will be spent editing entities. In complex drawings you have to plan how you will select only those entities you want to edit while leaving all other entities unaffected.
You will learn a number of techniques for adding and removing entities from the selection set, which is the collection of entities your chosen editing command acts upon.
To edit objects, you must irst select them. In complex drawings, selecting would be tedious if you had to click one object at a time.
In the following exercise, you will learn several eficient selection methods that you can use at any Select objects: prompt, which appears in every editing command. Zoom into Stair A in the building core.
The prompt in the Command window reads as follows: ERASE Select objects: This is the same way almost every command begins—with the opportunity to create a selection set.
Click point A and then B, as shown in Figure 4. Observe that a trans- Objective parent implied window appears between these points. The objects that are selected are only those completely contained within the borders of the blue window.
This particular selection includes the stair arrows, handrails, and three lines representing stair treads near the break lines. Create Selection Sets 59 A You can draw implied windows either by clicking two opposite corner points, or by clicking the first corner point and then drag- B ging to the opposite corner and releasing F I G u R E 4.
Type R for Remove , and press Enter. When you click Certification Objective the irst point on the right A and move the cursor to the left at B , a transparent green crossing window appears between the points.
Whatever the green window crosses is selected. The crossing selec- tion removes the handrail and two of the stair treads because the selection was made at the Remove objects: prompt. Click point A and then point B, as shown in Figure 4. This implied window selects the short line segment trapped in the break line and removes it from the selection set. Type A for Add , and press Enter. Click both of the break lines to add them to the selection set.
All of Objective the break line segments are selected in two clicks because the break lines are polylines. Hold Shift, and click the break lines again. They are removed from the selection set without being at the Remove objects: prompt. Exercise 4. Additional dynamic input prompts are available on screen when you select objects irst.
Create Selection Sets 61 Begin by opening the ile Ex Click point A, as shown in Figure 4. Press the down-arrow key to expand the dynamic input menu on screen. Select WPolygon. Click points B through H, as shown in Figure 4. Only those objects completely polygonal crossing contained within the borders of the blue window will be selected. Press Enter to make the selection. Square blue dots appear on the selected objects—these are called grips, and you will learn to use them later in this chapter.
Press Esc to deselect. Toggle on Ortho mode in the status bar. Without being concerned with measurements or accuracy, draw a line under the word Stair, a circle around the letter A, and a rectangle around the entire section, in that order see Figure 4.
Select the circle and the line and press Enter. The grips for the circle and line appear; press Esc to deselect. Click the Erase icon on the Modify panel. At the Select objects: prompt, type P for Previous and press Enter. The circle and line are selected because they comprise the set of objects that was selected previously.
Press Enter again to delete these objects. Type L for Last , and press Enter. The rectangle is selected because it was the You can select the entire draw- last object you created. There can only be one last object. Press Enter ing by typing all again to delete the rectangle. Click the dot at the end of the stair direction line shown in Figure 4. This dot is at the conluence of the horizontal stair direction line and the vertical tread line.
When Selection Cycling is on, you are presented with the Selection dialog box whenever your selection is ambiguous. Hover the cursor over the items in the list and each one is highlighted in blue on the drawing canvas. Select the line in the list that highlights the stair direction line as shown in Figure 4. Create Selection Sets 63 Click this dot.
Select one of the vertical tread lines in Stair A by clicking on it. Right-click, and choose Select Similar from the context menu that appears. All lines on the same layer are selected; you might have to zoom out to see both stairs see Figure 4. Other object types on the same layer remain unselected because they were not similar enough.
Press Esc. Here you can choose criteria to determine which object properties must match in order to be selected by this useful com- mand: Color, Layer, Linetype, Linetype Scale, Lineweight, Plot Style, Object Style, or Name. Pan to the upper-right quadrant of the building, and zoom into the furniture grouping that needs to be illed in.
Click the chair that is not in front of a desk to select it. Position the cursor over the selected chair, but not over its grip. Drag the chair while holding down the left mouse button to move it closer to the upper desk, as shown in Figure 4.
To position the chair more precisely, click the Move tool in the Modify panel. Select the chair you just moved in the previous step and press Enter. Right-click the Object Snap toggle in the status bar, and choose Midpoint Certification Objective from the context menu if it is not already selected.
Click the base point at the midpoint of the front of the chair point A in Figure 4. Click the second point B in Figure 4.
The chair is moved precisely to the midpoint of the desk edge. Press the spacebar to repeat MOVE. Type P, and press Enter twice to Certification Objective select the same chair again. Type D, and press Enter once more to choose the Displacement option.
In Displacement mode, the irst point is the origin point. Any coordinates you enter are relative to the origin, so typing the symbol is unnecessary.
Click the Copy tool in the Modify panel. Select the chair you just moved and press Enter twice. Select the midpoint of the desk point B in Figure 4. Press the spacebar to repeat the previous command, select both desks Certification Objective and chairs with crossing windows but not the low partition between them , and press Enter. Select point A in Figure 4. Type A and press Enter. Type 3, press Enter, and then click point B in Figure 4. Pan over to the Conference room. Select the Object option by clicking Object on the command prompt.
You must include the Select the inner left wall line and watch as the crosshair cursor original object in the count of items. Toggle on Ortho on the status bar if it is not already on.
Type CO for Copy , and press Enter. Select the chair that is against the left wall of the Conference room and press Enter.
Click an arbitrary base point by clicking in the empty space of the Conference room. Move the cursor down along the direction of the wall and click the Array option. The command prompt reads as follows: Enter number of items to array: Type 5, and press Enter.
Move the cursor downward, and observe that ive ghosted chairs appear. When the spacing looks right see Figure 4. The crosshair cursor returns to its default orientation. Numerically speaking, you typically rotate by degrees or scale by percentages about base points. On the other hand, you can avoid using numbers entirely by choosing the Reference options, which let you rotate or scale selection sets in relation to other objects.
Navigate to Reception at the bottom of the loor plan. Click the Rotate button in the Modify panel, select the upper lounge chair, and press Enter. Toggle off Ortho and Polar Tracking if it is on in the status bar. Move the cursor around the point, and observe that a rubber-band line connects the base point to your cursor and a ghosted image of the chair is superimposed over the original chair representation.
Move the cursor until the rubber band aligns more or less perpen- dicularly to the wall behind the chair see Figure 4. Click the chair that you just rotated to select it without issuing an explicit command. Hold the Ctrl key, and repeatedly press the arrow keys to nudge the selected object a few pixels at a time.
Nudge the chair so that it is a similar distance from the wall and the round table as compared to the other armchair in Reception. Press Esc to deselect all.
Zoom out and focus on the upper-left quadrant of the building. Select the furniture group shown in Figure 4. Select midpoint A as the base point, and select midpoint B as the second point. Type RO for Rotate , and press Enter.
Type L for Last and press Enter twice. Select the same midpoint where the furniture group was attached to the midpoint of the shell window wall as the base point of the rotation. Instead of specifying the reference angle with a number, you will determine the angle interac- tively. Type and press Enter to input the base point of the rotation as the base point of the reference angle. Click endpoint A as shown in Figure 4. The furniture group rotates so that it is parallel and cen- tered on the window wall.
Pan over to the upper-right quadrant of the building, and zoom in on the oversized round table. Click outside the menu to close it and then ence to other objects without having to snap to the center of the circle by hovering over the circle and then input numerical angles moving the cursor to its center and clicking.
Enter to scale the circle down to 50 percent of its original size see Figure 4. Toggle on Ortho on the status bar, and move the chairs closer to the table, both horizontally and vertically. You will learn how to create two types of associative arrays: rectangular and polar. Type OB for Object , and press Enter. Select the left side of the bottom-left edge of the table in the Small Conference room.
Click the Rectangular Array tool on the Modify panel. Select both chairs on the sides of the conference table and press Enter. Change Columns to 1 and Rows to 5 on the temporary Array Creation tab that appears on the ribbon. Select the Associative toggle in the Properties panel if it is not already blue. Click Close Array on the ribbon. Select one of the new chairs, and observe that all the arrayed chairs side of the line you are selected as a unit.
Click Close Array. Type UCS, and press Enter twice to return to the world coordinate system. Type AR for Array , and press Enter. Type PO for Polar , and press Enter.
Hold down Shift, and right-click to open the Object Snap context menu. Work with Ar r ays 73 5. Type 12 in the Items text box on the ribbon and press Tab. The table is a bit too large.
Click the circle to select the table. Press Enter and then Esc. Click any one of the chairs to select the polar array.
Hover the cursor over the base point grip, and choose Stretch Radius see Figure 4. The chairs more closely wrap around the smaller table. Instead, these com- mands are used for arraying points. You can invoke the opposite Objective command while running either by holding down Shift. Click the Extend tool on the Modify panel it is nested under Trim.
Select the inner line of the bottom core wall and press Enter. Create a crossing window by clicking points A and B, as shown in This line will be the Figure 4. Four tread lines are extended. Click each remaining boundary edge that tread line, one at a time, to extend all the stair treads to the core wall.
Type TR for Trim , and press Enter. Select the upper and lower hand- rail lines to act as cutting edges and press Enter. Make a narrow crossing window in the center of the handrail to trim away all the treads that pass through the handrails, and press Enter.
Type EX for Extend , and press Enter. Click each of the ive missing tread lines to extend them into the bottom light and press Esc to end the command. Hold Shift and click each one of the treads passing through the handrail. Press Esc when you have removed all ive line segments see Figure 4. Type , and press Enter. Click the line segment on the right side of the incomplete copy machine to lengthen it toward the right.
Type S for Stretch , and press Enter. Click points A and B as shown in Figure 4. Toggle on Ortho if it is not already on. Click a base point off to the right side of the door opening, well away from the geometry so that you do not inadvertently snap to anything. The wall, door, and swing end up more or less centered on the wall.
MIRROR cre- ates a reversed object at a distance from the original object as determined by the position of a drawn relection line. Click the Offset tool in the Modify panel. Select the elliptical arc at the bottom edge of the Copy Room. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the professional team at Sybex an imprint of Wiley for all their hard work.
He has written a column in Photoshop User Magazine since You can contact him through his website at www. Draw Lines and Rectangles. Cancel, Erase, and Undo. Use Coordinate Systems. Draw Circles, Arcs, and Polygons. Use Fillet and Chamfer. Employ Ortho and Polar Tracking. Use PolarSnap. Select Running Object Snaps. Harness the From Snap. Apply Object Snap Tracking.
Move and Copy. Rotate and Scale. Work with Arrays. Trim and Extend. Lengthen and Stretch. Offset and Mirror. Edit with Grips. Draw Ellipses. Shape Splines. Blend Between Objects with Splines.
Set the Current Layer. Alter the Layer Assignments of Objects. Control Layer Visibility. Apply Linetype. Assign Properties by Object or by Layer. Manage Layer Properties. Isolate Objects. Chapter 7 Or g anizing O bje c t s Define Blocks. Insert Blocks. Edit Blocks. Redefine Blocks. Work with Groups. Associate Hatches with Boundaries. Hatch with Patterns. Hatch with Gradients. Chapter 9 Work with Global Blocks. Access Content Globally. Store Content on Tool Palettes.
Reference External Drawings and Images. Write Lines of Text. Edit Text. Chapter 11 Dimensioning Style Dimensions. Apply Dimensional Constraints. Constrain Objects Simultaneously with Geometry and Dimensions. Create Layouts. Adjust Floating Viewports. Draw on Layouts. Create Plot Style Tables. Use Plot Style Tables. Plot in Model Space. Plot Layouts in Paper Space. Export to an Electronic Format. Chapter 15 Geolocate Projects. Insert Attributed Blocks. Edit Table Styles and Create Tables.
Use Fields in Table Cells. Edit Table Data. Work with Tiled Viewports. Navigate with the ViewCube. Orbit in 3D. Use Cameras. Navigate with SteeringWheels. Learn to Save Views. Place and Adjust Lights. Create Renderings. Document Models with Drawings. Appendix Create Surface Models. Edit Surface Models. Create Solid Models. Edit Solid Models. Smooth Mesh Models. You can rest assured that spending your time learning AutoCAD will be a wise investment, and the skills you obtain in this book will be useful for years to come.
I wish to welcome you in beginning the process of learning AutoCAD. It will give you great satisfaction to learn such a complex program and use it to design and document whatever you dream up. Who Should Read This Book This book is for students, hobbyists, professional architects, industrial designers, engineers, builders, landscape architects, or anyone who communicates through technical drawings as part of their work.
See www. This book also features an appendix that can help you focus your studies on the skills you will need for the certification exams.
Each chapter features multiple exercises that take you step by step through the many complex procedures of AutoCAD. The goal of performing these steps on your own is to develop skills that you can apply to many different real-world situations. Although each project presents different obstacles and opportunities, I urge you to focus on the concepts and techniques presented rather than memorizing the specific steps used to achieve the desired result. The actual steps performed may vary in each geometric situation.
After you achieve the desired result, start over and experiment using the same techniques on your own project whether invented or real. After you have practiced, think about how you have achieved the desired result and you will get the most out of this book. The following are system requirements for running either version on the different operating systems in which they are offered. See knowledge. You can also access additional tools and materials to help you design, visualize, and simulate ideas.
Connect with other learners to stay current with the latest industry trends and get the most out of your designs. Get started today at www. The drawing aids covered with step-by-step exercises in this chapter include grid and snap, ortho and polar tracking, PolarSnap, running object snaps, the From snap, and object snap tracking. This chapter teaches you how to create both single- and multiline text, how to edit any text, and how to control its appearance through text styles and object properties.
The formulas in the examples are as simple as adding two dimensions or calculating the diameter of a circle from its radius. I n t r o d u c t i o n xix The Essentials Series The Essentials series from Sybex provides outstanding instruction for readers who are just beginning to develop their professional skills.
The Certification Objective margin icon will alert you to passages that are especially relevant to AutoCAD certification. See the certification appendix and www. By buying this book, you have already taken the first step in this journey.
When you finish, you will have a solid understanding of AutoCAD. You have the option of automatically storing up to 5 GB of your drawing files in the cloud for free.
The Dashboard is a new feature in AutoCAD that appears when you launch the program and whenever you create new file tabs. You can create new drawings, access existing drawings, connect to AutoCAD , and receive notifications all on the Dashboard. Exercise 1. Sign in with an Autodesk ID or email address and password. Storing your files offsite in the cloud is an effective backup strategy. This loads the full AutoCAD user interface, which you will learn about in the next exercise.
Sign In to Autodesk on the Dashboard F ig u re 1. You will learn about the ribbon in Exercise 1. Although the Mac user interface is not covered in this book, its commands and capabilities are similar to those in AutoCAD for Windows albeit with a slightly reduced set of features.
The two Windows versions look nearly identical and function in almost the same way. Have Autodesk contact you. Download free trial. See pricing options. Productivity study. Access our library of standards-based parts, tools, and custom content. Customize properties of object types and create them on custom layers. Automate tasks such as creating bills of materials BOMs.
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Company overview. Investor relations. Diversity and belonging. Autodesk Foundation.