Api xero documentation – api xero documentation
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Xero – Submitting your journal using API – BrightPay Documentation.Import Xero API Data to Google Sheets [] | API Connector

Follow our simple list below to get up & running with the Xero API. Refer to our documentation and ask the Community if you get stuck. Connect to Xero. Explore our APIs See documentation. Integrate with Xero’s new App Launcher. Accelerate your growth with Xero. An integration with Xero.
Api xero documentation – api xero documentation. Import Xero Data to Google Sheets
Xero-Insomnia. An Insomnia collection for authenticating to and calling many of the Xero API endpoints. Steps to get up and running. Follow these steps to quickly get up and running with the Xero API and Insomnia. Submitting your payroll journal from BrightPay to Xero using API. 1) Within Payroll, select Journal on the menu toolbar, followed by Xero: 2a) On the next screen, choose Xero API as your destination. b) Set your Date Range – the journal will include records for all payslips (across all pay frequencies) with a pay date within the selected range. GitHub – XeroAPI/ntation: Documentation for Xero.
– Api xero documentation – api xero documentation
Do you recognize a good idea when you see one? We want to hear from you! View our full list of features requested for our API and make your vote count. Jenks Guo Xero Staff. Alec Sanderson. Simon Sabin. Xero Developer Community. I am building oauth2 into an existing. The versions here are: oauth2 2. OAuth2Client Which is more up to date The earlier example does have these examples but fails as the references are too old! Any chance of a GOOD set of example apps that you can integrate with your own inc all function calls.
The examples are reasonable but IMO a nightmare to integrate with any existing app since the code base is so specific and non-generic. It took me about 20 hours for one example alone then realised there were no method calls for any meaningful work! If you are going to deprecate oauth1 soon then you should at least give us some decent stuff to work with??? Thank you. Hey Alec, we appreciate the feedback on.
Points taken. We are getting more dev resources so we can better demonstrate OAuth 2. The previous efforts were spent on making sure all APIs are covered in the new SDK, which I am sure you can understand equally urgently needed by. NET developers. They were also a stopping point for migrating to the new APIs.
We have now almost completed the API sets and is now working on an up to date sample application very soon. If you have a specific questions related to your OAuth 2. NET please feel free to leave the comments here or raise it on Github repo.
We will help you to our best ability until the new doc and sample apps are released. Jenks, I do appreciate you are working hard, like the rest of us in extreme conditions, and would be less concerned if you didn’t have a deadline to end oath1 in about 8 weeks time! I run a tech software business no really! I think this is highly unreasonable and pretty unprofessional I would never do that with my clients “you have to upgrade, you have 3 months, and we are not really going to tell you how – so go figure You are losing your reputation amongst tech firms certainly here in the UK as I am not the only one with these issues.
But OK there are some specifics to start with: Number 1 Is there any documentation or examples on the latest libraries apart from the one on the web site? And I mean for the calls to the accounting parts using async libs etc. Number 2 Our internal app is quite large and although is now using asp core 3. An example: the purchase orders part of our app has two Xero buttons “Post to Xero” and now “Login to Xero” for oauth 2 and I need to disable the first if the token is not current.
But we can’t do that as it only has async methods and the call to this controller is sync. I know there are ways to do this but it is string and masking tape and totally “yeuch”. Number 3 We need to be able to post a purchase invoice to Xero this all works in oauth 1 by the way and thus need a mechanism for: a – checking for the existence of contact and creating one if not b – creating or updating a purchase invoice The example that works on this uses a very old version of the libs and either a we have to use v old libs or b we have to figure out how to do this ourselves the coders have spent some days trying so far!
If you can at least point us to mechanisms for the above it would be a help. Many thanks Alec. Jenks I am using. Can you please help me with this. Thanks Angela. Hi Angela, I think it is because you probably had not defined the reference at the beginning of the code. Try adding this to the beginning and let me know if this problem goes away. Hi Jenks Thanks for your quick reponse.
Yes I tried adding that to my references as well as per the example but it was throwing an error “The type or namespace name ‘Api’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Xero. OAuth2’ are you missing an assembly reference? Client; using Xero. Config; using Xero. Token; using Xero. Api; My application also has OAuth1 references i. Model; using Xero. Partner; using Xero. OAuth; Is this creating the issue? Please let me know. Hi Jenks. Is you problem that you’ve a variable called AccountingApi and there is a type called AccountingApi.
You either change your variable or you prefix the type with the namespace.