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Autodesk autocad 2015 3d modeling free download
Current Layer The current layer is the layer you are working on. Any new objects you draw are added to the current layer. The default current layer is layer 0. If you do not create and use other layers, your drawing will be created on layer 0. You used this layer when drawing the plot plan in Tutorial 1. Layer 0 is a special layer provided in the AutoCAD program. Layer 0 has special properties when used with the Block and Insert commands, which are covered in Tutorial There can be only one current layer at a time.
The name of the current layer appears on the Layer toolbar. Controlling Layers The Layer Control feature on the Layers panel on the Home tab of the ribbon is an easy way to control the visibility of existing layers in your drawing.
You will learn more about creating and using layers in this tutorial. For now, you will use layers that have already been created for you. Notice the special layer 0 displayed near the top of the list.
Any new objects will be created on this layer until you select a different current layer. The Layer Control now should look like Figure 2.
Note that it is green and has a centerline linetype long dash, short dash, long dash. Erase or Undo the line on your own. Using different colors for dif- ferent layers helps you visually distinguish different information in the drawing.
There are two different ways of selecting the color for objects on your screen. The best way is usually to set the layer color and draw the objects on the appropriate layer. This method keeps your drawing organized. The other method is to use the Color Control feature on the Properties panel. To select the Color Control pull-down feature, Click: ByLayer, from the Properties panel to pull down the Color Control Tip: If your panels are minimized, you may need to click to expand the options.
Click to expand color choices Figure 2. You can also choose More Colors to view the full color palette. Tip: On a black background, color 7 used for layer 0 appears as white; on a white back- Figure 2. Make sure the Index Color tab is selected.
Otherwise, the color in your drawing can become very confusing. You will click Cancel to exit the Select Color dialog box without making any changes. The colors for your new objects will continue to be determined by the layer on which they are created.
Click: Cancel Layer Visibility One of the advantages of using layers in the drawing is that you can choose not to display selected layers. Or you may want to create a complex drawing with many layers, such as a building plan that contains the electrical plan on one layer and the mechanical plan on another, along with separate layers for the walls, windows, and so on.
You can store all the information in a single draw- ing, and then plot different combinations of layers to create the electri- cal layout, first-floor plan, and any other combination you want.
Next you will use the Layer Control to lock, freeze, and turn off some of the layers in this drawing. Refer to Figure 2. Invisible off layers are not printed or plotted, but objects on these layers are still part of the drawing. You use the freeze option not only to make the layer disappear from the display, but also to cause it to be skipped when the drawing is regenerated. This feature can noticeably improve the speed with which the software regenerates a large drawing.
The icon for freezing and thawing layers looks like a snow- flake when frozen and a shining sun when thawed. A layer can both be turned off and frozen; the effect is similar. You should either freeze a layer or turn it off, but there is no point in doing both. Your screen should now be similar to Figure 2. This is useful when you need the layer for reference but do not want to change it. For example, you might want to move several items so that they line up with an object on the locked layer but prevent anything on the locked layer from moving.
If for some rea- son it is not the current layer, set it current at this time. Layer TEXT is frozen and does not appear. On your own, try erasing one of the circled points in the drawing. A message appears, stating that the object is on a locked layer. This name is only temporary, for if you drew a new line, the layer name changes back to the current layer Center- line. This is useful when you are unsure which layer a particular object is on.
Now you will change the current layer back to Centerline by using the Layer Previous button. If you are not sure which button to select, hover your mouse over the buttons to show the tooltips.
Click: to expand the Layer panel down arrow near panel name Click: Layer Previous button Layer Centerline returns as the current layer. You can also use Layer to control which layers are visible or plotted at any one time and to set the current layer.
Remember, only one layer at a time can be current. New objects are created on the current layer. Use the Layer Properties Manager icon from the Layer panel to create new layers and set their properties. Its command alias is LA. Tip: You can right-click on a heading in the Layer Properties Manager, and select Maximize All Columns from the pop-up menu that appears. It will have a hidden linetype and ging on its corners. You will change the layer name, color and linetype for the new layer next.
Layer names can be as long as characters. To the right of the layer names are the various layer controls mentioned previously. You can resize these col- umns to show more or less of the names by dragging the line between the name headings.
Make sure that the Index Color tab is uppermost. You will select the color cyan for the easement layer that you are creating. The color helps you visually distinguish linetypes and layers in drawings.
You also use color to select the pen and pen width for your printer or plotter. Move the arrow cursor over the Standard Colors boxes, where cyan is the fourth color from the left. Click: cyan from the Standard Colors boxes to the left of the ByLayer button The name of the color that you have selected appears in the Color: box at the bottom of the screen. Linetype in Layers The linetype column allows you to set the linetype drawn for the layer.
Using layers to control the color and linetype of new objects that you create will work only if BYLAYER is active as the method for estab- lishing object color, object linetype, and lineweight. The straight-line sections that the curves are tangent to have been drawn to get you started. Using Object Snap The object snap feature accurately selects locations based on existing objects in your drawing.
When you click points from the screen without using object snaps, the resolution of your screen makes it impossible for you to select points with the accuracy stored in the drawing database.
You have learned how to click accurately by snapping to a grid point. Whenever prompted to select a point or location, you are prompted to enter points can use an object snap to help make an accurate selection. Without this or select objects. Refer to the command, locating two objects with respect to each other in correct and Command Summary for the useful geometric form is virtually impossible.
Their are several different ways to access and use the Object Snaps. The first is called over- ride mode. With this method, you select the object snap during a com- mand. The object snap acts as a modifier within the command string to target the next point you select.
You activate object snaps from within other commands by clicking the appropriate icon from the Object Snap toolbar. The object locations they select are indicated by small circles on the icons. When you activate an object snap in this manner, it is ac- tive for one click only.
Remember, you can use this method only during a command that is prompting you to select points or objects. A special feature is active when Object Snap is in use.
It displays a marker and description SnapTip when the cursor is placed near or on a snap point. This feature helps you to determine what location on the object will be selected. The second method for using Object Snap is called running mode.
When a running mode object snap is on, the marker box and SnapTip will appear during any future command when you are prompted for a point location, object selection, or other choice. The SnapTip will tell you which object snap location is being targeted. Click: Object Snap Settings from the menu see Figure 2. Object Snap should be on top. Click: Clear All to unselect any current modes Click: Node A check appears in the box when it is selected, as shown in Figure 2.
The symbol next to the Node setting represents the AutoSnap marker shape that will appear in the drawing. You can use it to change Marker size, color, and settings. Next, you may want to change the Marker color to a more noticeable color, such as red.
When you have finished, Click: OK to exit the Options dialog box Click: OK to exit the Drafting Settings dialog box Click: Object Snap button to turn it on, if it is not already on On your own, click the small downward arrow to the right of the Object Snap button on the status bar to expand the options.
Notice that now Node is checked and the other modes do not have check marks. You can also set the object snap modes quickly by checking or unchecking them from this list. Make sure that Ortho mode, Polar tracking, and Object snap tracking are off. Object Snap is a very useful tool and you will use it frequently through- out the rest of this guide.
It can be very important to turn it on and off as needed. Notice that the Object Snap button on the Status bar is highlighted, meaning it is active. You may click the Object Snap button to toggle it on or off, similar to the Snap Mode and Grid buttons. Check your status bar to make sure that the Object Snap button is turned on it appears highlighted.
Now you are ready to start creating arcs at accurate locations in the drawing. When you are prompted to select, look for the marker box on the crosshairs. There are eleven different ways to create arcs. The chapters in this book cover AutoCAD and proceed in a pedagogical fashion to guide you from constructing 3D wire frame models, 3D surface models, and 3D solid models to making multiview drawings and rendering images. The text takes a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important 3D modeling techniques and concepts.
Users upgrading from a previous release of the AutoCAD software will also find this text helpful. Choose your subscription plan. Pay as you go with Flex. Product support. Manage your account. Download and install software. COVID resources. Education support.
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